The purchase/SCM team should use market knowledge to determine whether purchase, subcontracting or prequalification opportunities should be publicized and, if so, by what means and to what extent. If there is any doubt that the identified listing of potential sources for any RFP does not represent the most capable suppliers in the marketplace or will not result in adequate competition, the purchase/SCM team should publicize. Although publicizing requirements is a matter of judgment, purchase opportunities should be publicized if:
The contracting officer is responsible for publicizing requirements. Methods for publicizing include:
See Section 2-10.3.8, Publicizing, for information regarding the post award requirement to publicize all noncompetitive awards valued at $1 million or more; Section 3-2.1, Advance Notification of Contract Awards, for information regarding the preaward requirement to provide advance notification to key internal stakeholders for certain contract awards; and Section 3-2.2, Publicizing Contract Awards, for guidance on publicizing contract awards to promote competition in subcontracting and the requirement to publicize noncompetitive awards value at $1 million or more upon award.