Bringing home the children: Program to find missing children improves

Sample of the ADVO ShopWise flyers with the new íHave You Seen Me?î appeal at bottom.They have been a familiar sight in cus­tomer mailboxes for more than 20 years. “Have You Seen Me?” postcards, featuring the names and faces of missing children, reach more than 120 million people weekly. The program — responsible for returning 144 miss­ing children since 1985 — has improved.

To enhance the pro­gram’s visibility, the direct mail company is moving the missing children’s pic­tures and profiles to the back cover of ShopWise, the flyers that presently accompany the postcards.

The postcards, known as detached address labels (DALs) to postal carriers, will no longer be needed. ADVO, creator of the “Have You Seen Me?” program, has elimi­nated the DALs.

Placing the information directly next to the indicia and a customer’s address, which is typically the first item a customer views, will increase awareness. Further enhance­ments include replacing the black-and-white photos of the missing children with color pictures.

The change means carriers will no longer need to merge the postcards with their respective flyers, which should speed delivery time. For more information about this pro­gram, go to