A 21ST century Postal Service
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund our operations.
The Postal Service is diligently working with Congress to keep our momentum going. We’re asking lawmakers to give us permission to make the following changes, which are essential to our ability to continue serving our nation:
- A smarter delivery schedule. To better meet the needs of today’s customers, we want to deliver packages Monday through Saturday and mail Monday through Friday. Under our plan, if Post Offices are currently open on Saturdays, they’ll remain open on Saturdays.
- Greater control over our personnel costs. The Postal Service wants to establish a separate pool of health plans within the Federal Employee Health Benefits program. This will result in significant cost savings. We also need to create a new retirement plan for future employees, and we’re asking the government to refund the money we overpaid into one of our pension funds, the Federal Employees Retirement System.
- More flexibility in pricing and products. Currently, the Postal Service must seek permission before we can create products, introduce services and adjust prices. This slows down our ability to adapt to changes in the marketplace. To become more competitive, we need the flexibility to create, price and implement products and services.
The bottom line: The Postal Service is ready to make the changes necessary to keep delivering for America. We just require the authority to make it happen.