The Postal Service strives to maintain an optimal supply chain that consists of engaging suppliers who offer value-added solutions to keep our business on the path to long-term sustainability. To do this, the Postal Service is committed to providing contracting opportunities to small, minority-owned and women-owned businesses (SMWOBs). We strive to incorporate “agility,” which includes flexibility, balance and speed, throughout our supply chain. Historically, SMWOB suppliers have demonstrated business agility by maintaining and adapting goods and services to meet customer demands, while adjusting to changes in the business environment.
In FY2014, the Postal Service had contract commitments that exceeded $3.8 billion with small businesses; $434 million with minority businesses; and $677 million with women-owned businesses.
Supplier Diversity, an integral part of the Postal Service business strategy, continues to identify ways to open avenues to discover new supplier capabilities, innovations or alternative solutions. In FY2014, Supply Management participated in the following Supplier Diversity outreach activities: