Violence Prevention and Crisis Management

Created in September 1998, the office of Workplace Environment Improvement (WEI) is committed to improving the work environment and bringing focus to “people issues.” WEI performs violence prevention activities, identifies and measures trends of concern, and implements initiatives to improve the workplace environment. WEI assists field offices by ensuring that local threat assessment teams are trained and staffed. These teams respond to potential and actual threat situations to bring swift resolution and ensure employee safety.

The Workplace Environment Advisory Committee, composed of representatives of Human Resources, unions, and management associations, works closely with WEI and the Inspection Service. Using a standard protocol, the committee identifies and addresses undesirable behavior that results from both individual and systemic problems. The Threat Assessment Team Guide was revised this year to update the composition of core team members and to clarify requirements. The Achieving a Violence-Free Workplace Together poster was distributed to every postal facility to inform employees about the violence-free workplace program and draw attention to the publication Achieving a Violence-Free Workplace Together.

The Changes @ Home & Work initiative provided information about the assistance available to help employees achieve a comfort level with life’s changes. A new online reading room was provided that contains information on change management, development, and wellness. The reading room is also a resource for managers seeking to improve employee communication, particularly in times of great change.