Reviews and approvals of contractual actions provide oversight and an objective view of important business decisions. Pooling business insights enhances the process of obtaining best value. Therefore, the Postal Service has established various levels of review and approval for contractual and related actions throughout the purchase process. In addition, some contractual actions and proposed actions must be reported or announced to internal organizations both before and when an action is taken. Generally, the need for review and approval, report, or announcement depends on the estimated dollar value of the proposed action or some other important factor, such as the sensitivity of the purchase or the purchase method (competitive or noncompetitive). This topic delineates selected reviews and approvals, and mentions certain reports, which are discussed in more length in Section 2-42, Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act Related Reports and Certifications. Required announcements are discussed in Section 3-2, Announce Award. Lastly, this topic addresses required actions a contracting officer must take when a proposed contractual action exceeds his or her delegated authority.