Key topics

Fact sheets

These briefing materials were developed to educate and inform members of Congress and their staff about the Postal Service’s operating environment, network, financial situation, and other aspects of our business. This information provides critically important context to the solutions proposed in the Delivering for America Plan and to the need for Congress to pass postal reform legislation. Download fact sheets below:

Inquiry process

The Government Relations Liaison group is the primary point of contact between the Postal Service and members of Congress and their staff in Washington, DC. Incoming inquiries are assigned to the Correspondence Group for research and response. There are several steps to the review process. Note: if it is determined that it will take more than 20 work days from when an inquiry was received to finalize a response, an interim response will be generated.

Office of Inspector General referrals

Cases that are referred from the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General to the Postal Service for response should be directed to the Response Group manager. Such cases will then be placed into the routine congressional correspondence process, and a courtesy copy of the final response will be provided to the OIG.

Requests for information from individual members of Congress

Individual members of Congress are considered as requesters under the Freedom of Information Act. Government Relations and Public Policy will exercise discretionary disclosure of otherwise confidential information to individual members on a case-by-case basis, based on a weighing of the various issues involved.

For more information, you can review our detailed standard operating procedures for congressional and other governmental inquiries.

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