May 1, 2020

Media invited to Sacramento mail processing facilities to see critical supply chain in action

America’s essential supplies, medicines, and stimulus checks pass through package sortation and mail processing systems before delivery


In uncertain times, the United States Postal Service is on a mission to deliver certainty and peace of mind. As Americans continue to shelter in place, online orders for critical supplies and medicines have pushed package volumes to Christmastime levels. Everything from medications, home goods, masks, cleaning supplies, care packages and, yes, stimulus checks pass through the Sacramento mail processing center.

The media are invited to come see where the quality of our work begins and how the quality of that work eventually is delivered to the doorstep.


MEDIA ALERT: Because of social distancing requirements, it is necessary to limit the number of media in the facility at any one time. Media will be slotted at different times. Please email me for scheduled slot availability.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Sacramento Processing & Distribution Center
3775 Industrial Blvd
West Sacramento, CA 95799


Every piece our employees handle behind the scenes - a place the general public never see - eventually is handed over to our carriers to deliver. Their combined work is a reflection of the fundamental commitment the Postal Service shares in connecting commerce, friends and family across our nation. The U.S. Postal Service has survived and performed through every known major crisis since 1775. And now the American people need us even more as we deliver the stimulus that will keep America moving forward.

It is during these uncertain times that we deliver certainty and help America regain a foothold back to normalcy. And it all begins right here in our mail processing facilities as more Americans trust us to handle and deliver the vital and critical items people need to survive, including the much-needed stimulus checks.

The Postal Service is also providing another important way to help people get back on their feet – jobs. The surge in mail and package volumes has opened the opportunity for those who have been left without jobs and need employment. There is a demand to fill hundreds of openings across California.

Many career and pre-career opportunities, including city carriers, mail processing assistants, tractor trailer operators, mechanics, clerks and more, are available to apply at

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Editor’s Note: We’ve expanded our media room with an easy-to-use media center that includes a refreshed photo gallery, postal b-roll and video files now available at  Media releases by state and for national news remain at



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