June 22, 2023

Orland Post Office Letter Carrier reaches milestone, drives one million accident-free miles without ever leaving the city limits

Rural Carrier Linda Abbot honored at the Orland Post Office

ORLAND, CA — In a world of constant driver distractions Orland Rural Carrier Linda Abbot maintained her focus and concern on the safety of themselves and others on the road.

This focus on safety earned her entry into the elite National Safety Council’s Million Mile club. Abbot was honored on Thursday, June 22, at the Orland Post Office, 831 4th St, Orland, CA 95963.

Abbot started her postal career nearly 40 years ago. Throughout the years she has demonstrated professional carrying and driving safety skills.

Abbot plans on continuing with the Postal Service for a few more years. “I have a couple thousand miles left in me,” said Abbot. 

To future postal employees she offers this sound advice “Do the best you can every day and never quit.”

This is the mindset you’d expect from Postal Service mail carriers who have each driven the equivalent of circling the earth 40 times, all without a moving violation or accident, while maneuvering hazardous road conditions, gridlock, rural terrain, and avoiding careless drivers along the way.

“Safety is not just a buzz word, our postal drivers take safety very seriously,” said District Manager Raj Sanghera “The truly remarkable achievement by our mail carriers demonstrates how postal employees continue to deliver on the promise of delivering their best every day with care, courtesy and concern for the safety of others.”

Nationally, postal drivers log more than 1.5 billion miles annually while delivering to more than 159 million homes and businesses in every city, suburb and town in America as they make the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Each driver will be presented with a plaque from the Safety Council and automatic membership in the prestigious National Safety Council “Million Mile Club.” The million-mile award is a lifetime enrollment, and it is given to drivers who have accumulated one-million miles or 30 years of driving without being involved in a single preventable motor vehicle accident.



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