Feb. 7, 2024

Panorama City Post Office Sets New Standard in Customer Service Excellence

Supervisor Leads Team to 7 Consecutive Perfect Mystery Shopper Scores

Panorama City Post Office Retail Team
Panorama City Post Office Retail Team

PANORAMA CITY, CA — The Panorama City Post Office, under the exceptional leadership of Supervisor Edgar Yedigaryan, has set a new standard in customer service excellence with seven consecutive perfect scores in Retail Customer Experience (RCE), aka Mystery Shopper.

The secret to their success is the office's customer-centric approach. The retail team, a group of dedicated individuals, are kept in the loop with daily training sessions, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest policies and procedures.

Yedigaryan who has been employed with the Postal Service for eight years is proud of the professionalism and empathy displayed by each employee. “When you come into our post office, you really get to see and feel the human element in every transaction,” he said. “We are the face of the Postal Service and I remind my employees to treat everyone that walks through the door with dignity and respect.

“One of the core principles of the PMG’s Delivering for America 10-Year Plan is to have a more stable and empowered workforce, at Panorama City we embody that because we are committed to delivering customer excellence every single day,” said Panorama City Postmaster Raul Merino.



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