Feb. 16, 2023
Manages USPS Retail & Delivery Services for Lakeland
LAKELAND, FL — Lakeland Postmaster Vincent Risoli has 300 employees, 120,000 deliveries, three stations, and a fourth retail unit.
That's a lot of responsibility, but Risoli takes it in stride, focusing on customers, employees, and operations and promptly getting mail to his customers.
"I live here in Lakeland," says the married man with two grown children. "I take pride in serving it."
Risoli began his career in 1997 as a Part-Time Flexible (PTF) Carrier in Philadelphia.
He continued to advance. "I was Cherry Hill, NJ, Postmaster, Manager of Post Office Operations for the South Jersey District, Wilmington, DE, Postmaster, and Manager, Customer Service Operations in Philadelphia," he says.
"There have been a lot of changes during my career," says Risoli. "This organization is moving forward with the needs of its customers.”
"I am delivering for America by promoting an atmosphere in the Lakeland Post Office that fosters world-class service to our customers and gives them what they pay for, deserve, and expect," he says. "I am working with the team here to provide the best service while increasing productivity and reducing costs.”
"I chose the Postal Service for the benefits and retirement," he says. "I stay because this is a first-class operation."