January 31, 2019
BEDFORD PARK IL — After a two day mail service suspension due to extreme weather, mail delivery, collections and pick-up services will resume on Friday, February 1 throughout the Central IL District.
In the Central IL District, regular mail delivery will resume for the 601, 603-605, 609, 613-617 ZIP Codes in Illinois. All Post Offices will be open and offering full retail services.
“As we resume delivery, we ask our customers to continue clearing sidewalks, paths and approaches to the mailboxes for the continued safety of our letter carriers,” said Central Illinois District Manager Tangela Bush. “We sincerely thank and appreciate the assistance, cooperation and concern from customers for our employees during this unprecedented time.”
For continued service updates, please visit the USPS Service Alerts page: http://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
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