Jan. 13, 2020
No mail delivery or retail service, customers encouraged to mail early
Grand Rapids — On Monday January 20, 2020 the U.S. Postal Service will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day which is a federal holiday. Local Post Offices in the Greater Michigan District (Zip Code prefixes beginning with 486 - 491, and 493 - 499) will be closed and there will be no mail delivery or retail service on this day.
“It is advised that anyone drop stamped or metered mail ready for delivery into a blue collection box early in the day,” said Sabrina Todd, Media & Communications spokesperson for the Greater Michigan District Postal Service. “This also applies to business customers that are open during the holiday.”
Post Offices will reopen for business on Tuesday January 21st.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
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