Feb. 3, 2023

Romeo, MI Post Office Celebrates Romance with Pictorial Postmark

Valentine’s day pictorial postmark

ROMEO, MI — For the 30th consecutive year, the Romeo, MI Post Office will continue a Valentine’s tradition which offers a unique pictorial postmark.

Hopeless romantics can have their valentine cards cancelled in Romeo, Michigan with this year’s official cancellation which celebrates the classic Romeo and Juliet balcony scene with the words, “Love will flourish on Valentine’s Day.”

“Some customers have submitted requests each of the previous 29 years,” said Postmaster Stacey Isman. “Cancellations have been requested from 36 different states and countries all over the world including France, Italy and Japan.”

To receive this special cancellation (available until March 1, 2021), enclose your stamped, addressed cards in a larger envelope, and mail to:

Romeo Pictorial Postmark
Postmaster Romeo, MI
119 Church St.
Romeo, MI 48065-9998



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