June 13, 2024

Detroit Post Office Celebrates 150 Years of Service by J. W. Westcott, 45-foot contract mail boat out of Detroit

J. W. Westcott, 45-foot contract mail boat

DETROIT, MI — On June 7, 2024, the Detroit Post Office celebrated the 150th Anniversary of the J. W. Westcott Company and the 76-year association of the J.W. Westcott as an official U. S. Postal Service mail boat beginning in 1948.

The J. W. Westcott is a 45-foot contract mail boat out of Detroit that delivers mail to passing ships on the Detroit River. It is the world’s first non-military floating ZIP Code – 48222.

“I’m honored to be part of this historic celebration,” said District Manager Rick Moreton, Michigan 1. “I’m most proud of all the work done by the men and women through 76 years of mail deliveries by Detroit’s hometown treasure, the J. W. Westcott.”

To commemorate the occasion, the Detroit Post Office is offering a Pictorial Postmark available until July 7, 2024. To receive this special cancellation, enclose your stamped, addressed cards or letters in a larger envelope, and mail to:

J.W. Westcott Pictorial Postmark                   
Postmaster Detroit, MI
George W. Young Post Office
1401 W. Fort St.
Detroit, MI 48233-9998 



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