April 15, 2021
Pictured is a 3D draft of the new Lake Street Post Office which will be built in the same location as the previous building.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN – The latter part of 2022 will bring a new building to the Lake Street horizon. USPS projects that the new Lake Street Post Office will be ready near spring of 2022 and will bring with it a full-service retail and will also house local delivery services for the Lake Street Community.
“It is great to see these plans come to fruition for the residents of the Lake Street community,” said Minneapolis Postmaster William Jones.
In the meantime, retail services will continue to be offered at the combined Lake Street / Minnehaha facility located at 10 W Lake Street in South Minneapolis.
“We thank our customers for their patience and our employees for their commitment to their community,” said Jones. “We have taken our role to this neighborhood seriously as we have worked with our contractors to build a facility that will suit our customer’s and employee’s needs now and in the future.”
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
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