Sept. 16, 2022

New Package Sorting Machine in Springfield, MO to Help Prepare for the Holidays

Springfield, MO — The Springfield MO Post Office is geared up and ready for the Holidays. The new Single Induction Package Sorter (SIPS) machine can process 2,100 packages — ranging from .1 ounces to 20 pounds — every hour.

The SIPS machine will also free up space to sort letters and flat mail.

This machine is one of 137 SIPS machines the USPS plans to implement across the country to meet customers’ evolving mailing and shipping needs ahead of the 2022 holiday season and fulfill the USPS’s Delivery for America initiative, which hopes to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence for the USPS.

Since January 2021, the USPS has added a total of 270 new package sorting machines to its network, which has increased its package processing capacity to 60 million packages per day this holiday season.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.



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