June 21, 2024

USPS Direct Hiring of Career Employees in Bozeman

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The Postal Service has immediate openings for direct hires into city carrier positions in Bozeman, Montana. As a career employee all available benefits start on the first day.

Job postings are open until the available positions are filled. Listings may be used to fill multiple positions.

Visit www.usps.com/careers, click on “Apply Now”. Enter the keywords “Bozeman”, select “Montana” from the location drop-down menu, and click start. The specific job listing will say “career job with benefits”.

These are career positions which offer excellent benefits from day one. Starting pay for city career carrier positions begins at $22.13 per hour and rural carrier positions begin at $25.13 per hour. Both positions are paid bi-weekly. See individual job announcements for full details and descriptions.

Newly hired employees are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Upon hire, employees are eligible to contribute into the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) which is similar to 401(k) plans. Employees also have the option to enroll into the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program as well as the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), dental, vision, and long-term care insurance programs. Flexible Spending Accounts to cover eligible out-of-pocket health care and dependent care (day care) expenses are also available, in addition to other benefits such as sick leave, annual leave, and holidays.

Stabilizing our workforce to ensure we consistently service nearly 165 million addresses across the country is one part of the Postal Service’s 10-year Delivering for America plan to achieve financial stability and service excellence.



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