July 21, 2022
Portland, OR — Looking for a fast-paced, challenging and rewarding job? The U.S. Postal Service is seeking individuals to deliver outstanding service to business and residential customers throughout the Portland area.
Job seekers will want to mark Saturday, July 23, on their calendars to learn about employment opportunities. Postal officials invite residents who are interested in rewarding and challenging positions to attend a job fair between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Portland Processing & Distribution Center located at 7007 NE Cornfoot Rd Portland, OR 97218.
Individuals who are interested in postal employment, but cannot attend the upcoming job fair, may locate information online at usps.com/careers. The U.S. Postal Service encourages individuals to check this website regularly for updated job openings throughout Oregon and across the country.
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