Jan. 6, 2025

Postal Service Asks Customers to Clear Walkways and Areas Around Mailboxes of Snow and Ice

PHILADELPHIA — Postal officials are asking for the public’s cooperation in keeping mailboxes, steps, and sidewalks clear of snow and ice, so letter carriers are able to provide the safest, most efficient delivery service possible.

The Postal Service is asking customers to help keep their letter carrier safe through the following actions:

  • Clear enough snow from curbside boxes to allow mail trucks to approach the box, deliver the mail and to drive away from the box without danger of the need for backing.
  • Walkways should be cleared of snow and ice and allow enough traction to avoid slips, trips or falls.
  • Steps should also be kept clear of ice and snow and in good repair so as not to cause injury to the letter carriers or others who visit the customer’s home.
  • Overhangs should be clear and free of snow and ice to avoid injury.

Residents who receive delivery to roadside mailboxes also must keep the approach to, and exit from, the mailbox clear of snow or any other obstacles, like trash cans and other vehicles.  The carrier needs to get in, and then out, without leaving the vehicle or backing up.

When mail service issues occur, we take steps to quickly resolve customer concerns.  We gladly work to address any specific issue from the community when brought to our attention and we encourage customers to reach out to their local postal station. Customers can also go to our website usps.com and click on “Contact us” at the bottom of our homepage or utilize this direct web address: https://usps.force.com/emailus/s/. Every email will be carefully documented, and appropriate action taken to strengthen service.



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