Feb. 1, 2023
VALENTINE, TX — The Valentine Post Office will again offer a customized pictorial postmark to add a unique touch to Valentine’s Day greeting cards.
Every year, starting in early January, the Valentine Post Office receives an abundance of cards to be stamped and sent to valentines all over the country and around the world. According to Valentine Postmaster Ismelda Ornelas, an average of 10,000 - 12,000 valentines are received annually. Ornelas hand-cancels every single one herself. “I look forward to seeing where all the valentines come from and where they are going. Knowing I play a role in sending someone a small token of love from another person, with a hand-stamp from Valentine, TX, is truly special,” says Ornelas.
The 2023 postmark design was drawn by 12th grader Jordan Miller, winner of the annual postmark drawing contest held among local Valentine Independent School District students. She is a repeat winner, having won the contest in 2019. Miller grew up on a ranch and said her inspiration came from riding behind her father and uncle during family trail rides. Miller raises cattle and horses, and recently won Grand Champion Mare at the 2023 Big Bend Livestock Show with her horse Spider John.
A mail-in request for the customized postmark is simple. Address a greeting card to that special person(s), affix a First-Class Mail postage stamp to each, and place in a larger envelope, also with appropriate postage. Address the larger envelope to:
VALENTINE, TX 79854-9998
There is no charge for requests up to 50 Valentine, TX, cancellations. Requests for more than 50 cancellations will be charged five cents for each additional cancellation.
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