July 1, 2021

Postal Service is Hiring in Virginia

RICHMOND, VA — Are you looking for new and exciting career opportunities? You are invited to join the proud workers of the United States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service is actively seeking applicants for the following positions.

Mail Handler Assistant: $16.87/hour
PSE Mail Processing Assistant: $18.49/hour
Rural Carrier Associate: $19.06/hour
City Carrier Assistant: $18.01/hour

Register in advance for free virtual recruiting event on Thursday, July 8 and Friday, July 9, 2021 from noon until 2 p.m. via ZOOM at:

Meeting ID: 160 711 2925
Password: 280778
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

A general overview of USPS employment requirements, specific job requirements, and hourly pay is available at the website. Job openings will be regularly updated until all positions are filled. Interested applicants should log on to http://usps.com/careers to apply for the positions.

The Postal Service encourages applicants to check the Postal Service’s employment web page often. Additional jobs will be posted as new positions become available.

The Postal Service does not receive tax dollars for operating expenses; it relies entirely on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.



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