November. 26, 2018
Great Photo Opportunity to Treasure for Years
WASHINGTON — Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus — and the U.S. Postal Service can help you prove it when Santa replies to your child’s letter — complete with a North Pole postmark.
Here are the steps for your child to get a letter back from Santa:
North Pole Postmark
4141 Postmark Drive
Anchorage, AK 99530-9998
“Letters from Santa” must be received by the Anchorage, AK, postmaster no later than Dec. 8. Santa’s helpers at the Postal Service will take care of the rest.
Be sure to share the experience on social media using #LettersFromSanta.
The Letters from Santa program adds to the excitement of Christmas and is ideal to interest children in letter writing, stamps and penmanship.
A large variety of holiday themed postage stamps is available for purchase at Post Offices locations, online at and by toll-free phone order at 1-800-STAMP-24 (1-800-782-6724).
Additional information can be found at
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
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