Did you know that about one in five adults in America lives with a mental illness? Additionally, about one out of every 25 adults lives with a serious mental health condition, such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or major depression. There is no single cause for mental illness. Several factors can contribute to the risk for mental illness:
n Adverse childhood experiences or trauma.
n Experiences related to other chronic medical conditions, such as cancer or diabetes.
n Biological factors or chemical imbalances in the brain.
n Alcohol or drug use.
n Feelings of loneliness or isolation.
n Chronic stress.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offered at no cost to USPS® employees and their household family members. EAP offers counseling, management and union consultation, life coaching, and crisis response. EAP will help you:
n Improve your health and well-being.
n Manage stress.
n Prepare for retirement.
n Strengthen relationships.
n Balance work and home life.
n Control depression and anxiety.
n Face addictions.
n Cope with grief and loss.
EAP professionals will answer the 800-327-4968 (800–EAP-4-YOU) or TTY: 877-492-7341 numbers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also go to the EAP website at usps.ndbh.com/EAP.
For more information about mental health awareness, visit cdc.gov/mentalhealth and blue.usps.gov/hr/pay-benefits/benefits/employee-assistance-program.htm.
— Benefits and Wellness,
Human Resources, 1-11-24