
Handbook El-312 Correction: Executive Administrative Schedule (EAS) Positions and Supervisor Selection Process

In the article titled “Handbook EL-312 Revision: Executive Administrative Schedule Positions and Supervisor Selection Process,” in Postal Bulletin 22622 (4-20-23, page 14), the Postal Service™ published revisions planned to Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, subchapters 74, “EAS Positions,” and 75, “Supervisor Selection Process,” to clarify Postal Service policy regarding Executive Administrative Schedule (EAS) positions and the supervisor selection process. The revisions reflect modifications to job postings and a reduced number of applications required for review committee action.

The planned revisions to those subchapters have changed and are included in this correction article. Although the Postal Service does not expect to publish these revisions in Handbook EL-312 until 2024, the revised standards are effective immediately.

Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement

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[Revise the title of 74 to read as follows:]

74 Nonbargaining Positions

741 Purpose of Subchapter 74

[Revise the text of 741 to read as follows:]

These policies and procedures are to be used in filling Headquarters, area, and field nonbargaining positions, including most supervisory, managerial, administrative, clerical, and postmaster positions under the following pay systems:

a. Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS);

b. Management Pay Band; and

c. Technical Pay Band.

Subchapter 74 does not cover selections for Attorney, Compensation System, positions. The positions of Supervisor, Customer Services, and Supervisor, Distribution Operations, are filled using the policies and procedures in subchapter 75, “Supervisor Selection Process.”

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743 Selection Process

743.1 Internal Recruitment

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743.11 When to Consider Noncompetitive Applications

[Revise the text of 743.11 to read as follows:]

Management may consider qualified employees eligible for a noncompetitive voluntary lateral reassignment or change to a lower level at any of the following times:

a. When applications are received.

b. Before the competitive announcement process begins.

c. During the competitive announcement process.

d. After the applications have been assessed.

Employees selected in this manner must meet the qualification requirements for the position. Selection is solely at the discretion of the selecting official.

Individuals with a saved grade are considered noncompetitively for positions up to the level of their saved grade.

Employees seeking noncompetitive placement into a position at the same or lower level must submit a written request to the selecting official for consideration. If an employee with a disability seeks reasonable accommodation by reassignment to a position at the same or lower level, the employee must work with the appropriate reasonable-accommodation committee at the district, area, or Headquarters level.

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743.13 Defining the Area of Consideration

[Add new section number and title “743.131 General” above the introductory text of 743.13” and renumber current 743.131 and 743.132 as 743.132 and 743.133.]

743.132 Minimum Area of Consideration

[Revise the text of renumbered 743.132 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

a. The minimum area of consideration for Headquarters vacancies is career nonbargaining employees service-wide.

b. The minimum area of consideration for field vacancies is career nonbargaining employees in the local area of consideration.

Exception: Position vacancies to be filled under the Supervisor Selection Process (see 75) must be posted to all career employees (including bargaining employees) in the local area of consideration before any consideration is given to expanding the area of consideration.

All eligible career nonbargaining employees (including Field, Headquarters, and Headquarters field units) may apply if their current work location (duty station) is located within the geographic area of consideration stated in the vacancy announcement.

[Revise the title and text of renumbered 743.133 to read as follows:]

743.133 Expanding the Area of Consideration

After the assessment of potential applicants, the area of consideration may be expanded to include:

a. Career bargaining employees;

b. A larger geographic territory (i.e., area-wide or service-wide); or

c. An external announcement.

743.14 Determining Eligibility

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[Revise the text of items a. and b. to read as follows:]

a. Extended eligibility. Eligibility is extended for certain postmaster positions, as follows:

(1) Postmaster. Postmaster Relief/Leave Replacements (PMR/LRs) and Postmaster Relief (RMPO) may apply and compete for internally announced career 6-hour postmaster vacancies posted within their district when the area of consideration has been expanded to career bargaining employees.

(2) PMRs applying for a posted postmaster position at their employing Post Office must be considered by the selecting official at that Post Office.

b. Special nomination for nonbargaining positions. Area and Regional Operations vice presidents, and the Senior Director of National Human Resources may nominate employees from any location within the Postal Service for any vacancy advertised so that they may be considered in competition with applicants from within the area of consideration. This nomination process is to ensure expanded opportunities to resolve saved-grade situations, hardship, and trailing-spouse cases.

743.15 120-Calendar-Day Time Limit on Higher-Level Temporary Assignments

[Revise the last sentence of the introductory text of 743.15 to read as follows:]

***A vacant position is a position in which the previous employee has separated or has been placed in another job.

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[Revise the text of items 743.15a(1) and 743.15a(2) to read as follows:]

(1) Could become or is a potential candidate for the vacant position, then the higher-level assignment must be terminated before the 121st calendar day.

(2) Is not a candidate, then the next higher-level manager over the manager with the vacancy must verify the employee’s non-candidate status in order to approve extending the temporary assignment beyond 120 calendar days.

Exception: If the detail assignment was originally approved by a PCES manager, additional approval for the extension is not necessary. (See 716.144.)

The extension lasts until a selection is made and a new employee permanently assumes the position.

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743.16 Exceptions to the 120-Calendar-Day Limit

[Add the following introductory text to 743.16 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

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[Revise the text of 743.16a(4) and 743.16a(5) to read as follows:]

(4) To an initial-level supervisor position.

(5) To a Headquarters position.

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[Revise the text of 743.16b(1) and 743.16b(2) to read as follows:]

(1) Director, Human Resources (Field) — for field assignments; or

(2) Functional officer — for assignments to a Headquarters position.

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[Revise the text of 743.17 to read as follows:]

743.17 Posting a Nonbargaining Vacancy Announcement

743.171 Requirements

Announcements are posted for a minimum of 15 calendar days.

The following must be included in the vacancy announcement:

a. Geographic area of consideration.

b. Job title.

c. Occupation code.

d. Grade.

e. Duty station.

f. Functional purpose, duties and responsibilities, and requirements of the position.

g. Nonscheduled days.

h. Work hours.

If any of these elements require frequent change to meet operational requirements, the announcement must state this.

Section 763.22, “Local Options for Basic Computer Skills and Driving Requirements,” describes the circumstances in which computer skills and driving may be added as requirements.

743.172 Exceptions to 15-Day Posting of Nonbargaining Vacancy Announcements

The following applies:

a. Exceptions may apply during periods of organizational change.

b. The 15-day minimum posting period does not apply to the EAS positions below. These positions are posted for a minimum of 7 calendar days:


Job Title


Mgr., Customer Services

EAS 17-21

Mgr., Distribution Operations

EAS 19-20


EAS 18-21

Postmaster (PTPO)


Supv., Customer Services


Supv., Distribution Operations


Supv., Maintenance Operations


Supv., Logistics Operations


Supv., Customer Services (Relief)


Supv., Distribution Operations (Relief)


Supv., Logistics Operations (Relief)


Supv., Maintenance Operations (Relief)


Supv., Customer Services (Apprentice)


Supv., Distribution Operations (Apprentice)


Supv., Logistics Operations (Apprentice)


Supv., Maintenance Operations (Apprentice)


743.18 Conditions for Not Announcing

[Revise the text of 743.18 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

a. A vacancy does not have to be announced again if:

(1) An identical vacancy was announced previously; and

(2) Less than 120 calendar days have elapsed since the identical announcement’s closing date.

b. The two vacancies must have the same:

(1) Job title;

(2) Occupation code;

(3) Grade;

(4) Location;

(5) Tour (where applicable); and

(6) Position requirements.

743.2 External Recruitment

[Delete the introductory text of 743.2 in its entirety.]

743.21 Recruiting for Additional Applicants

[Revise the introductory text of 743.21 to read as follows:]

Generally, nonbargaining positions are filled from within the Postal Service. Management is not required, however, to select Postal Service applicants over significantly better qualified external applicants. Every effort must be made to select the individual who best meets the position requirements. The following procedures apply:

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[Add a new paragraph at the end of item a. to read as follows:]

Note: The internal selection process is considered exhausted if after review, no selection is made from the job posting.

[Revise the text of 743.21b(1) through 743.21b(3) to read as follows:]

(1) Reinstate a qualified former nonbargaining Postal Service employee separated due to a reduction-in-force who has been placed on a Reinstatement List under the conditions described in Employee and Labor Relations Manual section 354.27.

(2) Use one of the external recruitment sources described in 233.

(3) Initiate a competitive process by posting the vacancy on usps.com/careers.

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743.22 Competitive Recruitment Source

743.221 General

[Revise the text of 743.221 to read as follows:]

When a noncompetitive recruitment source is not used to fill a nonbargaining vacancy externally, the vacancy must be posted on usps.com/careers for a minimum of 5 calendar days to ensure adequate public notice (see 42). Additional recruitment activities to attract a diverse mix of qualified applicants for the vacancy’s specialty may be used.

743.222 Limiting External Area of Consideration

[Revise the text of 743.222 to read as follows:]

The external area of consideration for postings of career nonbargaining vacancies grade EAS-18 and below may be limited to:

a. Current non-career Postal Service employees; and

b. Preference-eligible persons, other than current career Postal Service employees, who are not eligible to apply to external postings.

When limiting the area of consideration, the vacancy announcement must include the following statement: “Eligibility to apply is limited to current non-career Postal Service employees and persons entitled to veterans’ preference. Current career Postal Service employees are not eligible to apply.”

Human Resources personnel are responsible for determining the eligibility of individual applicants and justifying any rejection based on the eligibility statement.

743.223 Alternate Arrangements for Veterans and Persons Entitled to Veterans’ Preference

[Revise the text of 743.223 to read as follows:]

Alternate arrangements to apply may be made for the following applicants:

a. Veterans’ preference-eligible persons; and

b. Non-career employees performing military service who are unable to apply using usps.com/careers.

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743.24 Evaluating External Applicants

[Revise the text of 743.24 to read as follows:]

Evaluate external applicants, including those who qualify based on testing requirements, by using the methods described in 743.4 and the “Nonbargaining Selection Methods” training, unless otherwise stated.

743.3 Internal Applications

[Revise the text of 743.3 to read as follows:]

Internal applicants for all posted nonbargaining positions must submit applications by the closing date of the announcement using the online applicant tracking system. Exception: In accordance with USERRA, employees who are on active duty with the uniformed services may apply at any time (before or after the deadline) for an announced vacancy and must be given subsequent consideration if they meet the vacancy’s eligibility requirements (see 772.1b).

Applicants for promotion who meet one or more of the following conditions are ineligible for further consideration for the vacancy (see 422 and 433):

a. Are not otherwise eligible based on an examination requirement;

b. Do not achieve a passing score on a required examination; or

c. Fail to complete the examination process.

The selecting official may verify any information provided on the application with appropriate individuals.

743.4 Assessing Applications

[Revise the introductory text of 743.4 to read as follows:]

The following sections include standards and information on two components used in assessing applications for both internal and external applicant pools:

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743.41 Using Guidelines

[Revise the text of 743.41 to read as follows:]

Selections must be made in line with the philosophy and methods described in the “Nonbargaining Selection Methods” training course, available on the Postal Service learning management system. This course is required training for selecting officials and review committee members.

743.42 Process and Documentation Requirements

743.421 KSA Requirements

[Revise the text of 743.421 to read as follows:]

Applicants must be evaluated based on their demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) relevant to the position’s requirements, in addition to any requirements other than KSAs. The KSAs to be considered are specified on the vacancy posting. Applicants may use all fields within the application to address KSAs and are not limited to presenting all qualification information within specific application response boxes, individually, or in a narrative description.

Applicants must demonstrate the KSAs only within the application and any required documentation. They may not use a separately attached document. The only allowable attachments to applications submitted through the applicant tracking system are résumés and specific documents identified in the vacancy announcement (e.g., certifications, writing samples, and transcripts).

Applicants’ qualifications are assessed as described in 743.43, “Assessing Nonbargaining Applicants.”

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743.423 Use of Notes

[Revise the text of 743.423 to read as follows:]

Any notes that the committee chairperson makes in the consensus discussion, or the selecting official makes regarding any applicants, while reviewing applications or conducting interviews, are considered official documentation of the assessment process and must be preserved in their original state regardless of the format and medium used for recording. The committee chairperson or selecting official must date and sign all notes taken.

All review committee members are responsible for maintaining any notes made during their independent application reviews, or when conducting interviews.

See 743.442 for retention requirements.

743.43 Assessing Nonbargaining Applicants

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743.432 Completing the Requirement-by-Applicant Matrix

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[Revise the last sentence of item a. to read as follows:]

a. ***If a review committee is not used, the selecting official must record the applicants’ ratings on the matrix.

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[Revise the text of 743.432b(2) and 743.432b(3) to read as follows:]

(2) In the appropriate space on the matrix, record “YES” if the applicant meets the requirements or “NO” if the applicant does not meet them.

(3) Do not assign points when evaluating requirements other than KSAs. “YES” or “NO” is the only rating for such requirements.

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[Revise the first sentence of 743.432c(2) to read as follows:]

(2) Does not demonstrate any KSA at the minimum level, or who fails to meet any requirement other than KSAs, no further consideration or rating is required.***

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[Revise the introductory text of item e. to read as follows:]

e. Using conversion tables for external applicants only. See Appendix F, “Conversion Tables for Nonbargaining Positions,” and follow these instructions:

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[Revise the text of 743.432e(3) to read as follows:]

(3) The evaluator (review committee chairperson or selecting official) completing the matrix enters the Basic Scores into the applicant tracking system.

[Add a new paragraph immediately before the last paragraph of 743.432 to read as follows:]

The review committee chairperson or the selecting official is responsible for forwarding the completed matrix to Human Resources. Human Resources must attach PS Form 5957 and interview notes (see 743.423 for types of notes) into the applicant tracking system for retention as part of the vacancy package.

[Revise the last paragraph of 743.432 to read as follows:]

Exhibit 743.432 shows a sample completed matrix for an externally announced vacancy.

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743.44 Documentation Retention

743.441 Responsibilities

[Revise the text of 743.441 to read as follows:]

The review committee chairperson and the selecting official are responsible for forwarding the documentation cited in 743.422 and 743.423 to Human Resources for retention in the applicant tracking system as part of the vacancy package.

Review committee members are responsible for maintaining the documentation cited in 743.423 and retaining it for 5 years (see 743.442).

The selecting official is responsible for creating a vacancy file for vacancies filled outside the applicant tracking system and retaining them for 5 years (see 743.442). The vacancy files include records that make it possible to demonstrate how established selection procedures have been followed.

743.442 Retention Period

[Revise the text of 743.442 to read as follows:]

Vacancy files are retained for 5 years.

743.5 Roles of the Selecting Official and Review Committee

743.51 Selecting Official

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[Revise the text of item d. to read as follows:]

d. Ensures that selections are made in keeping with all applicable selection principles, including equal employment opportunity laws and the Postal Service Affirmative Employment Program.

743.52 Review Committee

743.521 General

[Revise the text of 743.521 to read as follows:]

If 6 or more applications are received, a review committee of at least 3 members must assess eligible applicants. (See 743.523 and 743.524 for review committee membership and restrictions.) If there are less than 6 applications, a review committee is not required. When assembling a review committee, the selecting official is responsible for:

a. Selecting an inclusive and diverse group of committee members. The Postal Service values diversity in many forms, including individuals of differing gender identities, races, ethnicities, ages, and abilities.

b. Ensuring the committee understands and adheres to the equal employment opportunity commitments of the Postal Service to provide an equitable competitive selection process.

c. Selecting review committee members who have a reputation for being fair and objective and have demonstrated a commitment to the Postal Service’s equal employment opportunity and diversity, equity, and inclusion principles.

d. Seeking assistance from the Human Resources manager to identify available employees who meet the criteria for membership, if necessary.

743.522 Function

[Revise the introductory text of 743.522 to read as follows:]

The review committee’s major functions are to:

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743.523 Management Level of Members

[Revise the text of 743.523 to read as follows:]

Review committee members must be nonbargaining employees at a level equal to or higher than that of the vacant position. The review committee chairperson must be at an equal or higher level than all other review committee members. For review committee membership, level is defined as the grade of the position the employee currently holds, not a saved grade, or a part-time or temporary level resulting from a temporary assignment (detail) or ad hoc assignment.

743.524 Restrictions on Membership

[Revise the text of 743.524 to read as follows:]

Restrictions on forming a review committee include the following:

a. Neither the supervisor of the position to be filled nor any manager exercising authority over the supervisor, up to and including the selecting official, may serve on the review committee or participate in its deliberations.

b. Only Human Resources may approve exceptions to review committee membership. The reason(s) for the exception must be fully documented and placed in the vacancy file.

c. Review committee members are prohibited from participating in the consideration or recommendation of a relative (as defined in chapter 5). Each member is responsible for notifying the committee chairperson of the relationship. A member with such a relationship must be excused and replaced immediately.

d. Each member must be certified by completing the required training course. See 743.41.

743.525 Duties

[Revise the text of 743.525 to read as follows:]

The review committee’s duties include:

a. Reviewing and rating applications. Each committee member must independently determine if each applicant has demonstrated each requirement.

b. Conducting interviews by web conferencing, telephone, or in person, as needed. Review committee interviews are not mandatory.

c. Reviewing written samples of applicants’ past work that demonstrate their abilities to perform requirements directly related to the vacant position. The only allowable attachments to applications submitted through the applicant tracking system are résumés and specific documents identified in the vacancy announcement (e.g., certifications, writing samples, and transcripts).

Note: The commmittee is prohibited from requiring applicants to:

(1) Take a written test;

(2) Write a paper on a specified topic;

(3) Analyze and solve in writing a prescribed managerial or technical problem; or

(4) Undergo any other kind of written examination.

d. Recording consensus ratings for each eligible applicant on one PS Form 5957, Requirement-by-Applicant Matrix. The chairperson is responsible for ensuring that PS Form 5957 and related notes are included in the vacancy file (see 743.44).

e. Recommending the number of qualified applicants who best meet the position requirements, requested by the selecting official. Three to 5 candidates are generally recommended for one vacancy.

743.526 Procedures

[Revise the text of 743.526 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

a. The selecting official designates the review committee and ensures that each committee member has taken the required training (see 743.41) or will take the required training before evaluating applicants. The selecting official and the review committee may discuss how filling the vacant position will support business objectives.

b. Delays in completing selection activity must be avoided. Generally, the review committee should complete its activities within 7 days and the selecting official should complete activities within 5 days.

743.53 Selection of Applicants

[Revise the text of 743.53 to read as follows:]

The selecting official, with or without the assistance of a review committee, identifies the applicant whose KSAs best meet the position requirements and who has a high probability of successful performance in the position. Documentation responsibilities are described in 743.42.

a. If a review committee was used, and the committee:

(1) Did not interview the recommended applicants, the selecting official must personally interview each recommended applicant before making a selection.

(2) Did interview the recommended applicants, the selecting official may:

(a) Interview them again before making a selection; or

(b) Select a candidate based on the review committee’s recommendations without conducting additional interviews. For externally posted vacancies, the selecting official must use the Rule of Three when making selections (see 624).

b. If a review committee was not used, the responsibilities of the selecting official depend on whether the vacancy is being filled internally or externally, as follows:

(1) Internal:

(a) Review and rate the applications.

(b) Determine which applicants meet the minimum requirements, documenting ratings on PS Form 5957.

(c) Interview all minimally qualified applicants before making a selection.

(2) External:

(a) Review and rate the applications.

(b) Do one of the following:

(i) Document ratings on PS Form 5957 based on the application review, interview in applicant-rank order, and make a selection, using the Rule of Three (see 624); or

(ii) Interview all applicants, in applicant-rank order, document ratings on PS Form 5957, and make a selection, using the Rule of Three (see 624).

743.6 Selection Approval

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[Revise the last paragraph of 743.6 to read as follows:]

Exception: Clerical positions (e.g., administrative assistant) reporting directly to a PCES manager do not require higher-level approval.

744 Implementing the Selection

744.1 Effective Dates

[Revise the text of 744.1 to read as follows:]

The gaining and losing organizations must coordinate the employee’s effective position end and start dates to ensure appropriate coverage.

Every effort should be made to promptly release selected employees into their new positions, no later than two (2) weeks, one pay period, from the effective date of selection. In the event of an unusual circumstance, the maximum allowed timeframe is four (4) weeks.

744.2 Transition

[Revise the text of 744.2 to read as follows:]

Whenever possible, the gaining manager and the successful applicant should meet to share expectations and concerns and to assist with an effective transition to the new position. The selecting official should introduce newly hired employees to the workforce whenever practical and manage the probation period as described in 584.

744.3 Postmaster Installation

[Revise the last sentence of 744.3 to read as follows:]

***Activities may include scheduled group meetings with community members, open houses, product presentations, and receptions.

(See Administrative Support Manual [ASM] 333.5, “Open Houses, Tours, and Postmaster Installations.”)

[Revise the title and text of 744.4 to read as follows:]

744.4 Background Screening

When a higher-level background investigation or security clearance is required for a nonbargaining position, the manager of the vacancy is responsible for initiating the process for the selected individual (see Administrative Support Manual [ASM] 272).

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746 Requests for Exceptions to Policies

[Revise the text of 746 to read as follows:]

Requests for exceptions to these selection policies and procedures must be approved by the director, Human Resources (Field), in coordination with the Area or Regional Operations vice president, or the functional officer for Headquarters and Headquarters field-unit positions. Send a copy of the request to the vice president, Human Resources.

747 Responsibilities for Selection

[Revise the title and text of 747.1 to read as follows:]

747.1 Field Human Resources (HR) Managers

Field Human Resources managers provide policy and direction to all selecting officials and assist with needs as necessary to ensure a quality selection process.

747.2 Selecting Officials

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[Revise the text of item b. through item g. to read as follows:]

b. Determines the need for a review committee (if less than 6 applications are received) and designates only members who meet the requirements in 743.52.

c. Provides background information to the review committee, if needed. This includes the maximum number of applicants to be referred.

d. Coordinates the selection and job offers with Human Resources.

e. Ensures that selections are made in accordance with all applicable selection principles, including equal employment opportunity laws, veterans’ preference laws and regulations, the affirmative employment program, and diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives.

f. Explains the rationale for the selection process followed and the selection made if either is questioned.

g. Determines whether newly selected postmasters must relocate to the vicinity of the Post Office service area to meet operational and community needs.

743.3 Human Resources Managers

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item a. through item d. to read as follows:

a. Works with the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) to finalize the selection or close the vacancy file.

b. Adds supporting evaluation and recommendation documentation to the vacancy file.

c. Maintains paper vacancy files for the selecting official after completing a selection process handled outside the applicant tracking system.

d. Supports and guides managers on selection, compensation, personnel action processing, and background screening processing (see ASM 272).

75 Supervisor Selection Process

751 Purpose

[Revise the text of 751 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

a. The Supervisor Selection Process is an assessment and selection process used to fill two initial-level supervisory positions:

(1) Supervisor, Distribution Operations, EAS-17; and

(2) Supervisor, Customer Services, EAS-17.

b. The goal is to select applicants who best meet the qualification position requirements. Seminars may be held to provide information to employees interested in becoming supervisors. The seminars will include information on the following topics:

(1) Supervisory positions, duties, and responsibilities.

(2) The application and selection process.

752 Noncompetitive Selection Procedures

[Revise the text of 752 to read as follows:]

Competitive procedures are not required when management initiates or an employee requests reassignment to the same level, or when an employee voluntarily accepts or requests in writing a position at a lower level.

The following applies:

a. An employee seeking noncompetitive consideration must submit a written request to the selecting official.

b. An employee may request noncompetitive consideration before a vacancy is posted, during the time it is posted, or after the posting has closed.

c. A noncompetitive applicant may be selected before the competitive process begins, during the competitive process, or after a competitive package has been considered.

d. Selection is solely at the discretion of the selecting official.

e. Employees selected in this manner must meet the qualification requirements for the position; however, they are not required to meet the examination requirement.

Note: If an employee grade level EAS-17 or above competes in response to a vacancy announcement, the employee must follow the standard process for competitive consideration, including submitting an application for the position via the applicant tracking system (see 753).

753 Competitive Process

753.1 General

[Revise the text of 753.1 to read as follows:]

If a position is not filled through noncompetitive procedures, then it is filled competitively through employee applications in response to a vacancy.

The following procedures apply:

a. The employee must submit an application, via the applicant tracking system, during the posting’s open period.

Exception: See 772.1(b) regarding employees who are not able to apply through the applicant tracking system as a result of active military service.

b. The employee may submit an application for each position and location for which the employee is eligible for competitive consideration.

c. The employee will be assessed in accordance with the competitive process, including the requirement to qualify based on the applicable examination requirement.

Exception: Employees who meet at least one of the following conditions are not required to qualify based on the applicable examination requirements:

(1) Employees who currently qualify based on applicable examination requirements. Such employees are not required to retake the examination. (In-service examination results are valid indefinitely.)

(2) Employees grade EAS-17 and above.

(3) Employees who formerly held the position of Supervisor, Customer Services, or Supervisor, Distribution Operations.

d. The selecting official will make a selection in accordance with the competitive process.

753.2 Area of Consideration

[Revise the text of 753.2 to read as follows:]

Selecting officials are usually responsible for defining the area of consideration.

The following applies:

a. The area of consideration may be limited during periods of organizational change.

b. The minimum area of consideration is all career employees in the local area of consideration before any consideration will be given to expand area-wide or service-wide. (See 743.13.)

c. All eligible career bargaining and nonbargaining employees (including Field, Headquarters, and Headquarters field units) may apply if their current work location (duty station) is located within the area of consideration stated in the vacancy announcement.

Human Resources may initiate external recruitment when vacancies are not filled by internal placement of employees (see 753.32).

Note: Current Postal Service career employees are not eligible to apply for external job postings. If external recruitment is limited to a geographic area, the posting must state that the geographic limitation does not apply to preference-eligible applicants (including preference-eligible noncareer employees).

753.3 Vacancy Announcement

753.31 Internal Vacancy Announcement

[Revise the text of 753.31 to read as follows:]

Internal vacancy announcements are posted via the applicant tracking system and must be posted for no less than 15 calendar days. The announcement must include the following information about the vacant position:

a. Geographic area of consideration.

b. Job title.

c. Occupation code.

d. Grade.

e. Duty station.

f. Functional purpose, duties and responsibilities, and requirements of the position.

g. Work hours.

h. Nonscheduled days.

If one or more of these elements requires frequent change in order to meet operational requirements, the announcement must state this.

Note: Exceptions to the minimum posting period may apply. (See 743.172, “Exceptions to 15-Day Posting of Nonbargaining Vacancy Announcements.”)

753.32 External Selection

[Revise the text of 753.32 to read as follows:]

If a vacancy is not filled by internal placement of employees, it may be filled externally with the appropriate approval from Field or National Human Resources (as required).

If a vacancy is filled externally, it may be filled either:

a. Noncompetitively (see 233); or

b. Competitively. The following applies:

(1) Competitive external postings for Supervisor, Customer Services, and Supervisor, Distribution Operations, vacancies are posted on usps.com/careers (see 42). The area of consideration may be limited to current noncareer employees and veterans’ preference eligibles, other than current career employees, who are not eligible to apply to external postings.

(2) When limiting consideration in this manner, include the following statement: “Eligibility to apply is limited to current noncareer Postal Service employees and persons entitled to veterans’ preference. Current career Postal Service employees are not eligible to apply.”

Alternate arrangements may be made for preference-eligible persons, and for noncareer employees performing military service who are unable to apply via the applicant tracking system.

753.4 Application Procedures

[Revise the text of 753.4 to read as follows:]

Applications must be submitted by the date and time specified in the vacancy announcement.

754 Selection and Placement Process

754.1 Assessment Process

[Revise the text of 754.1 to read as follows:]

Competitive applicants are assessed by and must successfully complete the following:

a. Applicable examinations.

b. Application review.

c. Interview.

754.2 Process Guidelines

[Revise the text of 754.2 to read as follows:]

Application reviews, interviews, and selections are to be:

a. Made in accordance with Supervisor Selection Process guidelines provided by National Human Resources (Headquarters); and

b. Conducted in a manner consistent with the philosophy and methods described in the “Nonbargaining Selection Methods” training course available on the Postal Service-learning management system. Selecting officials and review committee members are required to take this course.

755 Roles and Responsibilities

755.1 Review Committees

[Revise the text of 755.1 to read as follows:]

If there are 6 or more applicants, a review committee is required. If there are less than 6 applicants, a review committee is not required. Even when a review committee is not required, the selecting official may decide to convene a review committee.

A review committee must have at least 3 members who are nonbargaining employees at a level equal to or higher than that of the vacant position (see 743.524, “Restrictions on Membership”). It is recommended (but not required) that the committee includes at least one representative from each of the following:

a. Customer Services.

b. Distribution Operations.

c. Human Resources.

The role of a review committee is to conduct the application reviews, but not the interviews. The selecting official is responsible for conducting the interviews.

If there is no review committee, the selecting official conducts the application reviews and documentation activities before conducting interviews.

[Revise the title and text of 755.2 to read as follows:]

755.2 Field Human Resources

Field Human Resources has general responsibilities related to:

a. Posting vacancies.

b. Coordinating examinations for applicants.

c. Working with the HRSSC as necessary to process applications.

755.3 Selecting Official

[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text to read as follows:]

The selecting official is usually the manager with the vacancy.***

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item b. and item c. to read as follows:]

b. Complete related documentation and applicant tracking system activities.

c. Select the individual who best meets the position requirements.

* * * * * 

[Revise the last paragraph of 755.3 to read as follows:]

If the selecting official does not convene a review committee, then the selecting official must conduct the application reviews and documentation activities before conducting the interviews.

756 Application Review

756.1 Process

[Revise the text of 756.1 to read as follows:]

The applications are reviewed and rated for all applicants meeting applicable examination requirements.

The following applies:

a. If a review committee is convened, the committee conducts the reviews.

b. If there is no committee, the selecting official conducts the reviews.

756.2 Documentation

[Revise the text of 756.2 to read as follows:]

The PS Form 5957, Requirement-by-Applicant Matrix, must be completed with ratings for all applicants and retained as part of the vacancy package. The following applies:

a. If a review committee conducted the reviews, the committee chairperson is responsible.

b. If a selecting official conducted the reviews, the selecting official is responsible.

[Revise the title and text of 756.3 to read as follows:]

756.3 Applicant Tracking System Questionnaires

The responsibility for completing the applicant tracking system questionnaires is as follows:

a. If a review committee conducted the reviews, all committee members are responsible.

b. If a selecting official conducted the reviews, the selecting official is responsible.

757 Recommend for Interview

757.1 Process

[Revise the text of 757.1 to read as follows:]

If a review committee is used, the committee chairperson will recommend for interviews the number of qualified applicants who best meet the position requirements, requested by the selecting official.

Under no circumstance should an applicant rated as “Not Qualified” on required examinations or on the application review be recommended to the selecting official.

If no applicants meet the criteria for recommendation, the selecting official should consult Human Resources about reposting the vacancy with an expanded area of consideration.

Note: When a Supervisor, Customer Services, or Supervisor, Distribution Operations, vacancy is being filled externally, exam-qualified competitors must be put on a hiring list in rank order to be interviewed by the selecting official. Selections are made as described in 623 through 626.

[Revise the title and text of 757.2 to read as follows:]

757.2 Applicant Tracking System Questionnaires

The review committee chairperson will indicate the identified applicants as “Recommended” or “Not Recommended” via the applicant tracking system questionnaires.

758 Structured Interview

758.1 Process

[Revise the text of 758.1 to read as follows:]

The selecting official interviews candidates recommended by the review committee. If there is no review committee, the selecting official interviews the entire group of applicants, except applicants deemed as “No Demonstration” on the application review.

758.2 Documentation

[Revise the text of 758.2 to read as follows:]

The selecting official ensures that PS Form 5957 and any interview notes are submitted to Field Human Resources to attach to the vacancy file (see 743.44).

[Revise the title and text of 758.3 to read as follows:]

758.3 Applicant Tracking System Questionnaires

The selecting official completes the applicant tracking system questionnaires, indicating the selection.

* * * * * 

The Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the next edition of online Handbook EL-312, which is available on the PolicyNet website:

n Go to blue.usps.gov.

n In the left-hand column, click Essential Links, and then click PolicyNet.

n Go to the right-hand side under “Published Forms and Directives.”

n Click Handbooks.

The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is blue.usps.gov/cpim.