Environmental Management

Integrated Pest Management: Pesticide Management, Storage, and Disposal

The Postal Service™ uses integrated pest management (IPM) practices and techniques to control pests. IPM emphasizes using safer, more environmentally sound pest procedures, without eliminating the use of pesticides entirely.

Pesticides include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides, which are all regulated due to the chemicals they contain that can be hazardous to human health, the environment, and water quality. USPS® currently has national IPM contracts in place through the Facility Services CMC, which is the mandatory method for pest management services at all Postal Service sites.

When considering pesticide treatments, USPS employees must:

n Use chemical pesticides only as a last resort (using a USPS IPM national contractor for chemical pesticide application). Only contracted, licensed pesticide applicators may apply chemical pesticides.

n If necessary for minor spot treatments, purchase and apply non-concentrated or pre-mixed pesticides that are suitable for household use. Apply with precision and restraint.

n Never purchase or apply restricted-use pesticides or concentrated pesticides that require mixing. USPS personnel are prohibited from applying restricted-use pesticides and mixing or using concentrated pesticides. Check the label to determine whether a product contains a restricted-use pesticide.

n Do not apply pesticides (or any chemicals) to stormwater retention or detention basins or ponds and exercise caution when applying pesticides around these areas.

For pesticide storage and disposal, USPS employees must:

n Maintain only limited quantities of pest control products. Do not stockpile.

n Store pesticides in their original containers, keeping pesticide containers closed, and follow the storage instructions on the label. If possible, keep all pesticides in a locked cabinet in a well-ventilated utility area.

n Never store pesticides in cabinets near food or medical supplies. Do not store pesticides in places where they might spill or leak into wells, drains, groundwater, or surface water.

n Contractors that apply pesticides must remove all their devices and excess products after completion. If USPS-purchased pesticides cannot be properly used, contact the vendor to inquire if the manufacturer will take back the unused product.

n Do not pour leftover pesticides down the sink, into the toilet, or down a sewer or street drain. Arrange for off-site disposal using the USPS National Hazardous Waste Management Service Contractor available on eBuy+. Maintain shipment and disposal records on–site.

n Do not reuse empty pesticide containers. If containers are empty (i.e., all the liquid product has been removed and used), place the container in the trash, unless the label specifies a different disposal procedure.

For more information about pesticide management:

n Consult your designated USPS environmental contact at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/contact.htm.

n Review the Integrated Pest Management Environmental Compliance Bulletin at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/environmental/_pdf/waste/ecb-pestmanagment.pdf.