IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for Uruguay

Effective September 7, 2023, the Postal Service™ is revising the Individual Country Listing for Uruguay in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to add the following:

n A prohibition regarding lithium batteries and cells.

n An observation regarding certain addressee contact information for goods mailed to Uruguay.

These revisions are based on formal requests that Correo Uruguayo (the designated postal operator of Uruguay) made through the Universal Postal Union (UPU) via International Bureau Circular (IBC) 198, dated December 14, 2020, and IBC 207, dated December 19, 2022.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

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Individual Country Listings

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Country Conditions for Mailing


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[Add a new entry in alphabetical order to read as follows:]

Lithium batteries and cells, including those properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate.

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[Add a new entry to read as follows:]

5. For each item containing goods mailed to Uruguay, include on the customs declaration form the addressee’s mobile telephone number and, if possible, the addressee’s email address. This contact information assists Correo Uruguayo (the designated postal operator of Uruguay) to expedite delivery.

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Although effective September 7, 2023, the Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into a later edition of the online IMM (after the one scheduled for September 11, 2023). The IMM is available via Postal Explorer® at