Publication 52 Revision: Product Classification and Pricing and Classification Service Center Manager Title Change, Small-Quantity Provision, and Mail Product Updates

The Postal Service™ will revise Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail (Pub 52), in various sections, to reflect certain Postal Service changes that became effective July 9, 2023 (unless otherwise specified).

Pub 52 is being revised to:

n Reflect a title change to director for the Postal Service department Product Classification and the Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) manager.

n Restore the small-quantity provision inadvertently removed from the text of Pub 52.

n Include inner-receptacle quantity limits in the associated small-quantity packaging instructions.

n Replace references to obsolete Merchandise Return with USPS Returns®.

n Eliminate references to First-Class Mail®, Parcel Select Ground®, and USPS Retail Ground®.

n Clarify in Exhibit 526.6, “Requirements for Mailing Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals (Except Snakes, Turtles, and Turtle Eggs),” that water is allowed when mailing fish.

Although these revisions will not be published in Publication 52 until later, these changes are effective immediately unless otherwise specified, except for the rebranding of First-Class Package Service® to USPS Advantage™ Ground, and the discontinuation of USPS Retail Ground and Parcel Select Ground products. Those changes became effective July 9, 2023, and will be addressed fully in a future edition of Pub 52.

Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail

* * * * * 

2 General Guidelines

21 Mailability

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214 Appeals

[Revise the text of 214 to read as follows:]

A mailer who receives an adverse decision from a postmaster may file a written appeal with the PCSC (see 213 for address), which issues the final agency decision. After the PCSC issues an initial ruling, the mailer may appeal to the director, Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC, who has the authority to render a final decision on the appeal.

Mailers may file a written appeal of a final Postal Service agency decision with the USPS Recorder, Judicial Officer, under the rules of procedure in 39 CFR 953.

WASHINGTON, DC 20260-5015

ARLINGTON, VA 22201-3078

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22 Marking Requirements

221 General

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221.2 Ancillary Endorsements

[Revise the text of 221.2 to read as follows:]

A mailer endorsement may be used to request forwarding, return, or address-correction service for items that are undeliverable as addressed (see DMM 507).

Mailpieces containing hazardous materials mailed via surface transportation (327.1b) must bear one of the following endorsements:

a. “Address Service Requested;”

b. “Forwarding Service Requested;” or

c. "Return Service Requested."

Mailers are not permitted to use the endorsement "Change Service Requested” for mailpieces containing hazardous materials.

* * * * * 

228 Shipping Papers

[Revise the first paragraph of 228 to read as follows:]

Mailable hazardous materials eligible to be sent by Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail must be packaged, labeled, and appropriately documented for air transportation, as required by federal regulations and subchapter 22.

* * * * * 

23 Handling Hazardous Materials

[Revise the text of subchapter 23 to read as follows:]

231 General

A potentially dangerous situation exists whenever hazardous materials, restricted matter, or perishable matter is being moved from one place to another. Careless handling can result in serious injury to the general public and Postal Service personnel, damage to other mail and Postal Service equipment, and delays in processing and delivering mail.

The Postal Operations Manual (POM) provides additional instructions for handling hazardous materials in the mail.

232 Nonmailable Hazardous Materials Found in the Mailstream

When any mailpiece containing a nonmailable hazardous material is found in the mailstream, the procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the materials present an immediate threat to persons or property. When there is no immediate threat to persons or property, follow the procedures in POM 139.118.

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3 Hazardous Materials

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32 General

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325 DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings

325.1 General Requirements

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[Revise the last paragraph of 325.1 to read as follows:]

Limited Quantity or UN3373 markings may be permitted to be displayed at a reduced size with special authorization from the director, Product Classification (see 214 for address).

325.2 Nonmailable Warning Labels and Marks

* * * * * 

[Revise the last sentence of the Note to read as follows:]

***DOT warning labels must meet size and color requirements in 49CFR §172.407 through 172.446 unless special authorization from the director, Product Classification, is obtained as outlined in 325.1.

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325.4 Limited Quantity Markings

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[Revise the text of item d. to read as follows:]

d. Applying a reduced-size (50mm or 25mm with a DOT Special Permit) limited quantity mark requires prior written approval from the director of Product Classification (see 214 for address).

* * * * * 

327 Transportation Requirements

327.1 General

[Revise the text of 327.1 to read as follows:]

The following applies:

a. Air Transportation. When eligibility for air transportation is sought, mailable hazardous materials eligible for air transportation per subchapter 34 must be sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail. Mailers must prepare mailpieces to meet all requirements that apply to air transportation. Mailpieces must be properly packaged and labeled within DMM requirements and the operator variations of the air carrier. When required, a shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.

    Note: Mailable hazardous materials that are prohibited from air transportation may not be sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.

b. Surface Transportation. All hazardous materials eligible to be sent as Parcel Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage must be prepared under the requirements that apply to surface transportation. A mailpiece containing mailable hazardous materials utilizing Parcel Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage must not, under any circumstance, be transported on air transportation, except for items identified in 327.2g.

327.2 Air Transportation Prohibitions

[Revise the introductory text of 327.2 to read as follows:]

All mailable hazardous materials sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail must meet requirements for air transportation. The following types of hazardous materials are always prohibited on air transportation regardless of class of mail:

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33 Hazard Classes

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336 USPS Limited Quantity Surface Materials

[Revise the text of 336 to read as follows:]

This category is only applicable for materials that present a limited hazard during transportation due to their form, quantity, and packaging. It is intended for surface transportation and is unique to domestic Postal Service networks. The following applies:

a. Limited Quantity Surface Materials are prohibited in Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and all classes of international mail.

b. Placing surface transportation labels or associated text markings on any air-eligible mail service to circumvent air transportation is prohibited.

c. These materials generally must also qualify as a consumer commodity to be permitted in the Postal Service network.

d. This material includes those previously classified as ORM-D (“Other Regulated Material”). See 332 and Appendix A.

* * * * * 

[Add new part 338 to read as follows, renumber current part 338 as 339, and delete current part 339 in its entirety:]

338 Small Quantity

338.1 Definition

A small quantity is the maximum amount of a specific hazardous material that when transported by domestic highway and rail transportation is not subject to any DOT requirements (e.g., packaging, marking, labeling, etc.) other than those specified in 49 CFR 173.4. Not every hazardous material is eligible to be shipped as a small quantity. Additionally, for Postal Service purposes, Class 1, Class 2, Division 6.2, and Class 7 materials are not permitted to be sent as a small quantity.

The small-quantity provision is applicable to domestic mail only, and its use is prohibited for international shipments or APO/FPO/DPO mail. The small-quantity provision must only be used for domestic surface transportation (highway or rail).

338.2 Mailability

Hazardous materials listed in the following categories are eligible to be sent in domestic mail under the small-quantity provision, via surface transportation, only when each primary receptacle is limited to 30 milliliters (1 ounce) or less for liquids and 30 grams (1 ounce) or less for solids, as applicable:

a. Class 3.

b. Division 4.1.

c. Division 4.2 (Packing Groups II and III only).

d. Division 4.3 (Packing Groups II and III only).

e. Division 5.1.

f. Division 5.2.

g. Division 6.1 (Packing Group III only).

h. Class 8.

i. Class 9.

338.3 Additional Restrictions

Materials identified in Appendix A as prohibited in table columns (e), “Domestic Mail Air,” and (f), “Domestic Mail Surface,” are ineligible for mailing under the small-quantity provision without regard to their hazard class, division, or packing group.

338.4 Packaging and Marking

Hazardous materials eligible to be shipped under the small-quantity provision permitted in 49 CFR and 338.2 must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 10A in Appendix C. Each mailpiece that qualifies to be sent under the small-quantity provision must be clearly marked on the address side with the following words: “This package conforms to 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only.”

* * * * * 

339 Packaging Requirements for Hazardous Materials

339.1 DOT Packing Groups

[Revise the third sentence in renumbered 339.1 to read as follows:]

***Packaging Group designators are always written in Roman numerals, for example “PG II.”***

* * * * * 

34 Mailability by Hazard Class

341 Explosives (Hazard Class 1)

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341.2 Mailability, Packaging, and Marking

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[Revise the second sentence of the text of item c. to read as follows:]

c. ***The only exceptions are for Division 1.4S toy propellant devices and safety fuses that have been approved by the director, Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC, before mailing as stated in 341.***

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341.22 Mailable Explosives

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[Revise the second sentence of the introductory text of item a. to read as follows:]

a. ***A toy propellant device assigned UN0454 or NA0323 and classed as a Division 1.4S explosive is eligible for mailing in domestic mail via surface transportation only when prior written permission has been obtained from the director, Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC.***

* * * * * 

[Revise the second sentence of item b. to read as follows:]

b. ***Safety fuses assigned UN0105 as a Division 1.4S explosive may be mailed in domestic mail via surface transportation only when prior written approval has been granted by the director, Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC.***

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342 Gases (Hazard Class 2)

* * * * * 

342.2 Mailability

[Add the section number and title “342.21 General” above the text immediately under 342.2 and renumber current 342.21 and 342.22 as 342.22 and 342.23.]

342.22 Nonmailable Gases

* * * * * 

[Revise the last sentence of item a. in renumbered 342.22 to read as follows:]

a. ***However, if an approval number is obtained from DOT, consideration for mailing may be requested from the director, PCSC, under the provisions in 343.25.

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[Revise the text of the Note in item c. of renumbered 342.22 to read as follows:]

Note: See 342.23 for mailable types of fire extinguishers.

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343 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Hazard Class 3)

* * * * * 

343.2 Mailability and Packaging

* * * * * 

343.25 Lighters

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[Revise the text of item b. to read as follows:]

b. The prospective mailer of the lighter submits to the PCSC director a written request for authorization to mail the lighter, accompanied by a legible copy of the official DOT notice conveying the approval described in 343.25a, along with a specimen of the actual lighter, the packaging materials in which each lighter is to be mailed, and the number of mailpieces and mailing location; the mailer receives from the PCSC director a letter approving the requested authorization for mailing.

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item d. to read as follows:]

d. When the mailpiece is presented for mailing, the address side of the mailpiece must prominently display the proper shipping name “Lighter(s)” or “Lighter Refill(s)” followed by the Approval Number (LAA****) and the marking “Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only,” and all preparation and packaging requirements in the PCSC director’s approval letter must be met. A legible copy of the PCSC director’s approval letter must be presented at the time of the first mailing at each Postal Service facility.

* * * * * 

343.27 Authorization to Mail Ethanol-Based Flammable Liquids or Solids

* * * * * 

[Revise the second paragraph of 343.27 to read as follows:]

Mailers must submit a letter of request to the director, Product Classification (see 214 for address). The request must include a list of each specific product to be mailed under the authorization, an SDS for each product, the office of mailing, and expected frequency and quantity of mailings.

* * * * * 

[Revise the first sentence of item a. to read as follows:]

a. Present a copy of the mailer’s authorization letter from the director, Product Classification, (to be kept on file at the office of mailing) at the time of the mailer’s first mailing at any Postal Service facility.***

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item d. to read as follows:]

d. Enter parcels using Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.

* * * * * 

346 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances (Hazard Class 6)

* * * * * 

346.2 Mailability

346.21 General

* * * * * 

346.212 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances

[Revise the third sentence of item a. to read as follows:]

a. ***The mailer must receive written approval from the USPS director, Product Classification (see 214 for address).***

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of items (1) through (6) of item b. to read as follows:]

(1) Category B infectious substance — USPS Packaging Instruction 6C.

(2) Sharps and other mailable regulated medical waste — USPS Packaging Instruction 6D.

(3) Used health care products — USPS Packaging Instruction 6E.

(4) Forensic materials — USPS Packaging Instruction 6F.

(5) Nonregulated materials — USPS Packaging Instruction 6G.

(6) Exempt human or animal specimens — USPS Packaging Instruction 6H.

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346.3 Packaging, Marking, Labeling, and Documentation

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346.32 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances

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346.321 Category B Infectious Substances

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[Revise the second sentence of the introductory text of 346.321 to read as follows:]

***A material that is classified as a Category B infectious substance and that meets the definition in 346.12a2 must be triple-packaged, meeting the packaging requirements in 49 CFR 173.199, and sent with Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express service.***

* * * * * 

346.322 Sharps Waste and Other Mailable Regulated Medical Waste

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[Revise the last sentence of the introductory paragraph to read as follows:]

***Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste as defined in 346.12f and 346.12g and containing materials classified as Category B infectious substances must be marked UN3291 and are permitted for mailing only using USPS Returns Service (see DMM 505.3) via Priority Mail Return Service option, subject to the following requirements:

[Revise the third sentence of the introductory text of item a. to read as follows:]

a. ***The vendor in whose name the authorization is being sought must submit a written request to the director of Product Classification at Postal Service Headquarters (see 214 for address).***

* * * * * 

[Revise the first sentence of item d. to read as follows:]

d. Package Testing. Vendors must submit to the director of Product Classification (see 214 for address) package-testing results from an independent testing facility for each package for which the vendor is requesting authorization.***

* * * * * 

[Revise the third sentence of the introductory text of item f. to read as follows:]

f. ***The vendor may contest a decision to suspend authorization by writing to the director, Product Classification (see 214 for address) within 7 days from the date of the letter of suspension.***

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346.323 Used Health Care Products

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[Revise the second sentence of the introductory paragraph to read as follows:]

***A used health care product not suspected to contain an infectious material, or that is known or suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance and is being returned to the mamnufacturer or manufacturer’s designee, is mailable with Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express service subject to the following packaging requirements:

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346.324 Forensic Material in Category B

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[Revise the last sentence of the introductory paragraph to read as follows:]

***Forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance as identified in 346.321 is mailable utilizing Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express service when triple-packaged in a primary receptacle, secondary container, and a rigid outer shipping container as follows:

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346.325 Nonregulated Materials

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[Revise the introductory paragraph of 346.325 to read as follows:]

Nonregulated materials as defined in 346.234 are not subject to regulation as hazardous materials, but must be properly packaged when presented for mailing. Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste must be packaged and mailed under 346.322, and used health care products must be packaged and mailed under 346.323. Exempt human and animal specimens must be packaged under 346.326. Nonregulated materials must be held within a securely sealed primary receptacle. The primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient absorbent material (for liquids) and cushioning material to protect the primary receptacle from breakage. The absorbent material must be capable of taking up the entire liquid contents of the primary receptacle in case of leakage.

* * * * * 

346.326 Exempt Human or Animal Specimens

* * * * * 

[Delete the last sentence of the text of 346.326.]

* * * * * 

4 Restricted Matter

* * * * * 

43 Firearms

* * * * * 

434 Replica or Inert Explosive Devices

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item b. to read as follows:]

b. Registered Mail service is used.

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45 Other Restricted Materials

* * * * * 

453 Controlled Substances and Drugs

* * * * * 

453.3 Mailability

* * * * * 

453.36 Return of Prescription Drugs

[Revise the text of 453.36 to read as follows:]

Mailers may use USPS Returns to return prescription drugs for purposes of drug recalls, voluntary manufacturer withdrawals, and dispensing errors, such as incorrect drug, dosage, or strength, as permitted by 21 CFR 1307.11 or other applicable law. The mailpiece must be addressed to the manufacturer or its registered agent. Manufacturers or their registered agents must furnish mailing containers to their customers to mail back the identified drugs utilizing USPS Returns Service (see DMM 505.3.0) via Priority Mail Return Service option for these mailpieces. Manufacturers or their agents continue to be responsible for maintaining records in compliance with any regulation of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

453.7 Mail-back Programs

* * * * * 

[Revise the second sentence of item a. to read as follows:]

a. ***DEA-registered mail-back collectors must also obtain an authorization from the USPS director, Product Classification before implementing any mail-back program.***

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of 453.7b(4) to read as follows:]

(4) Have postage pre-paid using one of the following products:

(a) Priority Mail Return Service; or

(b) Business Reply Mail parcels.

* * * * * 

[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text of item d. to read as follows:]

Mailers wishing to conduct a mail-back program must submit a letter of request to the director, Product Classification (see DMM 608.8.1 for address).***

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item e. to read as follows:]

An authorized mail-back collector that terminates, transfers, or discontinues business must provide the director, Product Classification, with the name, registered address, and registration number of the mail-back collector that will receive the remaining mail-back packages, in accordance with DEA regulations.

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5 Perishable Matter

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52 Animals

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526 Mailable Live Animals

* * * * * 

526.6 Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals

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Exhibit 526.6

Requirements for Mailing Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals (Except Snakes, Turtles, and Turtle Eggs)


* * * * * 

[Revise the second bullet of “General Requirements” under Exhibit 526.6 to read as follows:]

n Must not require any food, water (except for fish), or attention during transport.

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6 International Mail

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62 Hazardous Materials: International Mail

* * * * * 

622 Mailable Hazardous Materials

* * * * * 

622.2 Biological Substances, Division 6.2

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[Revise the address in the text of item c. to read as follows:]

WASHINGTON, DC 20260-5015

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7 Air Transportation Requirements

71 General

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[Revise the second and third paragraphs of 71 to read as follows:]

Full compliance with regulations governing shipping harmful matter by air transportation is essential because these materials can endanger Postal Service employees, airline passengers and personnel, aircraft equipment, and Postal Service equipment and facilities.

For the purposes of this chapter, air transportation requirements apply to all mailable hazardous materials, restricted matter, and perishable matter sent via Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, or First-Class Package International Service.

* * * * * 

72 Hazardous Materials: Air Transportation

721 General Requirements

* * * * * 

[Revise the text of item c. to read as follows:]

c. Be sent by Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, or First-Class Package International Service.

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726 Postal Service Handling

726.1 Acceptance Personnel

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[Revise the text of item c. and add new item d. to read as follows:]

c. The mailpiece is eligible for air transportation and mailed as Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, or First-Class Package International Service, as permitted.

d. These mailpieces must never be marked “Surface Mail” or “Surface Mail Only.”

[Revise the text of the Note to read as follows:]

Note: For safety reasons, mailers are not permitted to pay postage at Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail prices for mailpieces containing hazardous materials that are not eligible for air transportation.

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Appendix C

USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials

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USPS Packaging Instructions 1A

Toy Propellant Devices

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Required Authorization

[Revise the text to read as follows:]

Prior written permission must be obtained from the following:


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* * * * * 

[Revise the last sentence of the Note to read as follows:]

Note: ***At the time of mailing, the mailer must present to the Postal Service acceptance clerk a legible photocopy of the Product Classification director’s approval letter.

USPS Packaging Instructions 1B

Safety Fuse

* * * * * 

Required Authorization

[Revise the text to read as follows:]

Prior written permission must be obtained from the following:


* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise the last sentence of the Note to read as follows:]

Note: ***At the time of mailing, the mailer must present to the Postal Service acceptance clerk a legible photocopy of the Product Classification director’s approval letter.

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USPS Packaging Instructions 3C

Flammable Liquid or Gas Lighters

* * * * * 

Required Authorization

[Add a new last sentence to the text of section “Required Authorization” to read as follows:]

***The vendor in whose name the authorization is being sought must submit a written request to the director of Pricing and Classification Service Center (see 213 for address).

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* * * * * 

[Revise the Note in section “Marking” to read as follows:]

Note: At the time of the mailer’s first mailing at each Postal Service facility, the mailer must present to that facility a legible photocopy of the PCSC director’s approval letter.

* * * * * 

USPS Packaging Instructions 3D

Ethanol-based Flammable Liquids and Solids

[Revise the introductory text to read as follows:]

Certain limited quantities of flammable liquids and solids containing ethyl alcohol are permitted in the domestic mail via air transportation, with special authorization from the director, Product Classification, when all applicable requirements in 343.27 are met.

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USPS Packaging Instruction 6C

Category B Infectious Substances

* * * * * 

Required Authorization

[Revise the second sentence of the first paragraph of the text to read as follows:]

***The shipper has the responsibility to ensure awareness of, and compliance with, all other applicable requirements and regulations for mailing these materials. The shipper must be able to provide evidence of compliance before submitting a written request to the director of Product Classification, Postal Service Headquarters (see part 214 for address).***

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[Revise the fourth secondary bullet under the first main bullet “International Mail: Mailable only when:” to read as follows:]

n The director, Product Classification, has granted written approval.

* * * * * 

[Revise the second secondary bullet under the second main bullet “Domestic Mail: Mailable only when:” to read as follows:]

n Division 6.2 materials meet the preparation requirements for air transportation and are sent via Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.

* * * * * 

USPS Packaging Instruction 6D

Sharps Waste and Other Regulated Medical Waste

* * * * * 

Required Authorization

[Revise the last sentence of the text to read as follows:]

***The vendor in whose name the authorization is being sought must submit a written request to the director of Product Classification, Postal Service Headquarters (see 214 for address).


* * * * * 

[Revise the text of the second bullet to read as follows:]

Domestic Mail: Permitted only using USPS Returns Service via Priority Mail Return Service option.

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* * * * * 

[Revise the text of the third bullet to read as follows:]

n The outer shipping container must bear a properly prepared USPS Returns Service label. The USPS Returns Service permit must be held in the same name as that of the authorized medical waste vendor.

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USPS Packaging Instruction 6F

Forensic Material

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise the fourth secondary bullet under the first main bullet “International Mail: Mailable only when:” to read as follows:]

n The director, Product Classification, has granted written approval.

* * * * * 

[Revise the second secondary bullet under the second main bullet “Domestic Mail: Mailable only when:” to read as follows:]

n Division 6.2 materials meet the preparation requirements for air transportation and are sent via Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.

* * * * * 

USPS Packaging Instruction 10A

[Revise the title and introductory paragraph of the section “Small Quantity Provision” to read as follows:]

Small-Quantity Provision

Some types of hazardous materials, as permitted in 338 and 49 CFR 173.4, may be prepared for mailing using the “small-quantity” provision. The small-quantity provision is unique within the United States, and its use is prohibited in international and APO/FPO/DPO mail.

* * * * * 

Required Packaging

Inner Receptacle

[Add two new bullets at the beginning of the section to read as follows:]

n Each inner receptacle is limited to 30 milliliters or 1 ounce or less for liquids.

n Each inner receptacle is limited to 30 grams or 1 ounce or less for solids.

* * * * * 

Appendix D

Hazardous Materials Definitions

[Revise the definition for “Air transportation” to read as follows:]

Air transportation requirements apply to all mailable hazardous materials sent at Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail prices for domestic shipments, or Priority Mail Express International, Priority Mail International, and First-Class Package International Service prices for international shipments. All mailable hazardous materials sent at those prices must meet the requirements that apply to air transportation. Mailable hazardous materials sent at any of those prices may or may not be transported via air depending on the distance between the point of origination and the point of destination, and the ability of USPS to obtain an air carrier between those points.

* * * * * 

[Revise the definition for “Surface transportation” to read as follows:]

Surface transportation requirements apply to all mailable hazardous materials sent at the Parcel Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage prices must meet the requirements that apply to surface transportation.

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* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Aerosols” to read as follows:]

Aerosols, 342.23

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Biological products, aerosol” to read as follows:]

Biological products, aerosol, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Butane” to read as follows:]

Butane, 342.23


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Carbonated beverages” to read as follows:]

Carbonated beverages, 342.23

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Electronic tubes” to read as follows:]

Electronic tubes, 342.23

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Fire alarm systems, audible” to read as follows:]

Fire alarm systems, audible, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Fire extinguishers” to read as follows:]

Fire extinguishers, 342.22, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Foodstuffs, aerosol products” to read as follows:]

Foodstuffs, aerosol products, 342.23

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

Gases, 342

[Revise entry “Empty containers” under entry “Gases, 342” to read as follows:]

Empty containers, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Mailable gases” under entry “Gases, 342” to read as follows:]

Mailable gases, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Nonmailable gases” under entry “Gases, 342” to read as follows:]

Nonmailable gases, 342.22

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Toxic*” under entry “Gases, 342” to read as follows:]

Toxic*, 342.22

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Lighters” to read as follows:]

Lighters, 342.22, 343.25

* * * * * 


[Revise entry “Medical preparations (aerosol)” to read as follows:]

Medical preparations (aerosol), 342.23

* * * * * 


* * * * * 


[Revise the two entries under entry “Oxygen” to read as follows:]

Compressed, 342.23

Refrigerated liquid*, 342.22

* * * * * 


* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Paint products” to read as follows:]

Paint products, aerosol, 342.23

* * * * * 

[Revise entry “Propane” to read as follows:]

Propane, 342.23

* * * * * 

The Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the next edition of Publication 52, which is available via Postal Explorer® at