Cover Story

Earth Day 2024: Building a Brighter, Greener Future

As stewards of the largest mailing operation in the world and one of the country’s biggest organizations, the United States Postal Service® (USPS®) appreciates the impact we have on the communities we serve six, and often, seven days a week. That is why we strive to find new ways, both big and small, to make our operations cleaner, greener, and more sustainable.

Last March, we strengthened our commitment to sustainability with the creation of the USPS Environmental Council. Chaired by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, this new body is a champion for environmental excellence that will guide the environmental strategy for the Postal Service™.

With a focus on three core areas — Climate Action, Circular Economy, and Environmental Awareness — the Environmental Council has already brought a fresh focus to our sustainability efforts, and reinforced our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy, fuel, and waste at every level of our operations. This ensures we are the most environmentally-friendly option for mailing and shipping to the nation’s 167 million addresses.

Climate Action

By fiscal year 2030, USPS seeks to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent and reduce Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent.

Circular Economy

By fiscal year 2030, USPS seeks to divert 75 percent of waste from landfills, increase recycled content of packaging to 74 percent, increase package recyclability to 88 percent, and increase renewable energy use to 10 percent.

Environmental Awareness

Throughout its work to create a greener Postal Service, the organization will continue to educate its employees, local communities, and federal, state, and local partners to reinforce positive brand recognition.

Additionally, the Postal Service seeks to ensure environmental policy requirements are communicated and incorporated into operations, while providing on-site and online training and tools that align with policy and regulatory requirements for applicable USPS employees.