Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for Indonesia

Effective June 13, 2024, the Postal Service™ is revising the Individual Country Listing for Indonesia in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to revise a prohibition and to add a restriction on certain items mailed to Indonesia.

These revisions are based on a formal request that Pos Indonesia (the designated postal operator of Indonesia) made through the Universal Postal Union via International Bureau Circular (IBC) 57, dated April 8, 2024, and subsequent email correspondences dated May 13, 2024, and May 16, 2024. The IBC noted that the threshold restrictions became effective on March 10, 2024.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

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Individual Country Listings

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Country Conditions for Mailing


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[Revise the entry beginning with “Used articles” to read as follows:]

Used goods (all commodities).


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[Add an entry to read as follows:]

In accordance with Regulation No. 36 of 2023, issued by the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia, the commodities provided in the following chart may be mailed at or under the listed threshold per postal item. For an entry that contains more than one commodity, the total threshold limit applies to either one commodity or a combination of the commodities, as follows:



Threshold per International Postal Item

Apparel and apparel accessories

5 pieces


2 pieces

Bicycles (2-wheeled and 3-wheeled)

2 pieces

Cell phones, handheld computers, and tablet computers

2 pieces

Cosmetics and household health products

20 pieces

Electronic goods

2 pieces

Footwear (all types)

2 pieces

Other finished textile goods

5 pieces

Cement clinker and cement

Maximum of 1,500 USD


Maximum of 1,500 USD

Downstream plastics

Maximum of 1,500 USD

Food and drink (maximum 5 kg per BPOM*)

Maximum of 1,500 USD

Forestry products

Maximum of 1,500 USD


Maximum of 1,500 USD

Iron or steel (and their derivatives)

Maximum of 1,500 USD


Maximum of 1,500 USD

Textiles and textile products

Maximum of 1,500 USD


Maximum of 1,500 USD


Maximum of 1,500 USD

Traditional medicines and health supplements (maximum 5 pieces per type per BPOM*)

Maximum of 1,500 USD

* Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), the food and drug control agency in Indonesia.

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Although effective June 13, 2024, the Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the next edition of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com.