What You Are Mailing

First-Class Mail: You may send mailable matter using First-Class Mail service Some types of mail must be sent using First-Class Mail service (or Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express) Examples include bills and statements of account, most mail containing handwritten or typewritten material, or mail that contains information specific to the addressee or has the character of personal correspondence First-Class Mail service is sealed against postal inspection For a full definition of what must be sent using First-Class Mail service, see DMM 133 3 0 at https://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm300/133.htm.

USPS Marketing Mail: USPS Marketing Mail is available for mailable matter that is not required to be sent as First-Class Mail, including advertising and solicitations. For a full definition of what you can send as USPS Marketing Mail, see DMM 243.2.0 at https://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm300/243.htm.

Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail: Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), state and local voting registration officials may use USPS Marketing Mail to mail certain materials that are authorized or required by the NVRA, and such mailings are eligible for at the Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail prices, which are lower than the regular USPS Marketing Mail prices.

For further information on what organizations are eligible to use Nonprofit prices and what kind of mail can be sent at Nonprofit prices, refer to DMM 703.1.0 at https://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm300/703.htm. and Publication 417, Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Eligibility: Nonprofit and Other Qualified Organizations at https://pe.usps.com/text/pub417/welcome.htm. Applicable customer support rulings, such as PS-323, “Computer-Prepared Mailpieces Entered by Authorized Nonprofit Organizations,” can provide additional guidance and can be found online at https://pe.usps.com/CustomerSupportRuling/Index.