Dec. 18, 2019

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like People Sprinting to the Post Office

San Jose Mail Processing Facility will handle more than 3 million pieces of mail today

San Jose Mail Processing Facility


Every year it is a race for capacity, and no one has more capacity than postal facilities. The Postal Service handles and delivers more ecommerce shipments to homes than anyone else, with one notable exception on Christmas Eve, some big guy in a sleigh.
Helping stay ahead of the avalanche or parcels, the San Jose Mail Processing and Distribution Center has the machine to handle it all – the Automated Parcel Sorting System (APPS). Where size matters, mail processing facilities have transformed the work area to accommodate heavy package volume, and the APPS is a robust, highly automated machine for handling the organization’s growing volume of packages, a result of increased online shopping. 
What used to be termed the “busiest mailing day” of the year has morphed into the “busiest week,” all driven by an increase in online retail purchases. More than 200 million packages are expected to be processed and delivered the week of Dec. 16-22, 2019 across the nation.

With 28 million packages expected to be handled nationally per day at mail processing facilities, the San Jose facility will handle more than 254,000 parcels on the APPS and other parcel sorting machines today.


Wednesday, Dec. 18, between 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., offers the best operating window to catch the action of automated parcel sorting in full operation.


San Jose Processing & Distribution Center
1750 Lundy Ave.
San Jose, CA 95101

Media Alert:

For entry into the Oakland mail processing center, contact Augustine Ruiz at (415) 640-1447,


The Bay-Valley postal district is moving packages much faster now that it has the newest in package sorting systems.

The USPS has the most sophisticated mail processing and delivery network in the world, which has positioned it as the leader in the package delivery business with a 47 percent market share as more shoppers and shippers rely on the Postal Service as the courier of choice because of three key factors – our price, our product, and our performance.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.



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