June 10, 2021

USPS Invites Media to Dog Bite Prevention Event in Bakersfield

Over 30 Letter Carriers Attacked by Dogs in last five years

USPS Invites Media to Dog Bite Prevention Event in Bakersfield


It’s never too late to teach a dog a new trick. While dogs may not understand social distancing, it is critical they know how to stay sheltered in place as carriers make deliveries to residences and businesses in your neighborhood.

Bakersfield reported 34 attacks in the last five years. Nationwide, more than 5,800 postal employees were attacked last year.

To emphasize the seriousness of this issue, USPS is sponsoring Dog Bite Awareness Week, June 12-18. The theme this year is “Be Aware: Any Dog Can Bite.”

To tell the story locally, a Post Office in Bakersfield is inviting media to interview and follow a letter carrier on their route for a first-hand look at hazards encountered every day.

Also available will be a local animal control officer and a USPS Safety official to provide perspective and information. USPS will also provide the media information on dog bite prevention measures it is taking, and tips for responsible pet owners.

USPS will also provide the media information on dog bite prevention measures it is taking, and tips for responsible pet owners.


Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 10:00 am




Bakersfield Letter Carrier Luis Gutierrez
Bakersfield Postmaster Rodney Romero
Bakersfield Safety Captain Judy Kiyoshi
Bakersfield Animal Control Tammy Davis


To obtain final address and event confirmation, please contact USPS Strategic Communications Specialist at meiko.s.patton@usps.gov


How to prevent a dog incident:

  1. Pet owners are asked to wait for the carrier to leave the area before opening the door to get their mail or package. Too many dogs have slipped between an owner’s legs while the door is open and attacking the carrier. Dogs should be restrained and/or kept in another room as mail carriers make personal deliveries.
  2. If dogs are outside, make sure they are properly restrained and out of reach of a mail carrier.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.



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