Aug. 17, 2023
HARTFORD, CT — The Connecticut Postal Customer Council (PCC) met virtually today, Aug. 17, to promote membership and discuss National PCC Week.
Through focused educational programs, the Connecticut PCC strives to help industry members and their organizations grow and develop professionally.
The U.S. Postal Service is at the core of the nation’s $1.6 trillion mailing industry, which employs more than 7.3 million people.
Monthly PCC meetings bring together industry professionals to learn about new postal products and services, network and learn about what’s new and trending in the mailing industry.
In addition to monthly meetings for local PCCs, National PCC Week will take place between Sept.18-22 with a joint event on Wednesday, Sept. 20 in Boston at the Postal Service’s Boston General Mail Facility. The event will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and include keynote speakers.
PCCs for this event will include Boston, Providence, Western Massachusetts, and Connecticut PCCs.
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“PCCs are local organizations that help foster a close working relationship between the Postal Service and commercial mailers, with the goal of sharing information about new and existing USPS business products, programs, and services,” said the Postal Service’s Connecticut Customer Relations Coordinator Melissa O’Mara.
“Mail service providers, advertising agencies, marketing firms, educational institutions, and local and state government agencies are some of the organizations that can derive benefits from PCC involvement,” added O’Mara.
To learn more about the PCC and attend future events, visit the Connecticut PCC website: Connecticut Postal Customer Council - Home (