Sept. 28, 2023

Postal Service Plans Relocation of Providence Station Post Office in Charlotte

CHARLOTTE, NC — The U.S. Postal Service will proceed with relocation of the Providence Station Post Office, located at 11035 Golf Links Drive, to a yet-to-be-determined location as close as reasonably possible to the current site, and within the same ZIP Code, that is suitable for our operational needs.

This project will allow the Postal Service to maintain retail operations for our Providence Station customers for the long term. The new facility will allow the Postal Service to maintain and improve our service to the community. Additionally, the Postal Service plans to provide services at the current facility until the new location is operational.

Since the Postal Service is sensitive to the impact of this decision on its customers and the community, customer input has been sought and will be considered when determining a new location. Providence Station customers will be notified via signage in the post office and through a local mailing when a new location is determined.



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