Sept. 13, 2024
Port Edwards, WI— In accordance with 39 C.F.R. § 241.4, this is the United States Postal Service’s final decision with respect to the Postal Service’s proposal to relocate retail services from the Port Edwards Post Office located at 160 Market Ave., Port Edwards, WI 54469 to 241
Market Ave., Port Edwards, WI 54469. If this location is not adequate or an agreement cannot be reached with its owner, the Postal Service will consider other sites.
The Postal Service mailed a postcard to local residents and businesses on May 23, 2024, asking for community input. The Postal Service has carefully considered all concerns expressed in those discussions, as well as in comments received from the public. For the reasons set forth below, the Postal Service has decided to proceed with the relocation.
Due to potential safety concern at the previous location, the Postal Service will need to relocate. The Postal Service anticipates providing the same services at the new location as are currently provided to our customers at the existing location. Additionally, the Postal Service plans to continue services at the Wisconsin Rapids Post Office until the replacement facility is open and operating as a Post Office.
While the Postal Service is sensitive to the impact of this decision on its customers and the Port Edwards community, the Postal Service properly considered community input and this decision is consistent with Postal Service objectives. The Postal Service is a self-funded entity, generally receiving no tax dollars and must make decisions to control its cost and cover them through the sale of products and services.