- - Contents Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates Manuals IMM Revision: First-Class Mail International Effective September 21, 2023, the Postal Service™ is revising most Individual Country Listings (ICL..." /> - - Contents Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates Manuals IMM Revision: First-Class Mail International Effective September 21, 2023, the Postal Service™ is revising most Individual Country Listings (ICL..." />

Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


IMM Revision: First-Class Mail International

Effective September 21, 2023, the Postal Service™ is revising most Individual Country Listings (ICLs) in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®). In the First-Class Mail International section for each ICL that offers such service, the phrase “PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)” is being revised. Also, in the Free Matter for the Blind section for each ICL that offers such service, the information for First-Class Mail International items is being revised. These revisions align each ICL with the standards of IMM 242.2.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

* * * * * 

Individual Country Listings

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Country Conditions for Mailing

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First-Class Mail International (240)

* * * * * 

Customs Form Required (123)

[For each country that offers First-Class Mail International service (i.e., every country except Somalia), replace the current language to read as follows:]

None, unless otherwise required (see 123.61 and Exhibit 123.61, footnote 4)

* * * * * 

Free Matter for the Blind (270)

* * * * * 

Customs Form Required (123)

[For each country that offers Free Matter for the Blind service, revise the first line to read as follows (separating First-Class Mail International items and First-Class Package International Service items):]

First-Class Mail International items:

None, unless otherwise required (see 123.61 and Exhibit 123.61, footnote 4)

First-Class Package International Service items:

PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)

* * * * * 

Although effective September 21, 2023, the Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the next edition of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com.