IMM Revision: Elimination of International Postal Money Order Service

Effective October 1, 2024, the Postal Service™ is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) part 371 and certain Individual Country Listings to reflect the elimination of the competitive international extra service for the International Money Transfer Service known as international postal money orders. This elimination is in accordance with the PRC’s Order No. 7352 issued in Docket No. MC2024-413 on August 9, 2024, and will occur in two phases as follows:

n Effective October 1, 2024, the foreign posts for the following countries will stop selling international postal money orders destined for the United States:

n Belize.

n Peru.

Likewise, effective October 1, 2024, the Postal Service will stop selling international postal money orders destined to the countries listed below:

n Albania.

n Belize.

n Bolivia.

n Cape Verde.

n Dominican Republic.

n Ecuador.

n El Salvador.

n Guinea.

n Guyana.

n Honduras.

n Mali.

n Peru.

n Sierra Leone.

n Effective October 1, 2025, the foreign posts for the following countries will stop cashing international postal money orders issued by the Postal Service:

n Albania.

n Belize.

n Bolivia.

n Cape Verde.

n Dominican Republic.

n Ecuador.

n El Salvador.

n Guinea.

n Guyana.

n Honduras.

n Mali.

n Peru.

n Sierra Leone.

Likewise, effective October 1, 2025, the Postal Service will stop cashing international postal money orders issued by the countries listed below:

n Belize.

n Peru.

A customer who is in possession of an international postal money order issued by the United States Postal Service® may redeem it at a U.S. Post Office® facility at face value until September 30, 2025. A customer who is in possession of an international postal money order issued by the United States Postal Service who does not redeem it at a U.S. Post Office facility by September 30, 2025, may file a PS Form 6401 pursuant to IMM 371.4. Direct inquiries concerning an international postal money order issued by another country to the postal operator of the issuing country.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

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3 Extra Services

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370 International Money Transfer Services

371 International Money Orders

[Revise 371 in its entirety to read as follows:]

371.1 Description

International postal money order service is a service used to transfer funds to individuals or firms in countries that have entered into agreements with the United States Postal Service for the exchange of international postal money orders.

371.2 Availability

Effective October 1, 2024, the United States Postal Service no longer offers customers the ability to purchase international postal money orders. Exhibit 371.2 lists the countries that accept international postal money orders purchased before October 1, 2024, from the U.S. Postal Service using the International Postal Money Order (Form MP1). International postal money orders purchased before October 1, 2024, may be sent by Priority Mail Express International service, Priority Mail International service, First-Class Mail International service, or First-Class Package International Service.

Effective October 1, 2025, the postal operators of the countries listed in Exhibit 371.2 will stop cashing international postal money orders issued by the U.S. Postal Service that are destined for those countries. Likewise, effective October 1, 2025, the U.S. Postal Service will stop cashing international postal money orders issued by the postal operators of the two countries marked with an asterisk in Exhibit 371.2 (Belize and Peru) that are destined for the United States.

Exhibit 371.2

Countries Accepting the International Postal Money Order Form (MP1) Purchased Before October 1, 2024, That Will Stop Cashing MP1 Effective October 1, 2025

[Revise the exhibit to read as follows:]



Belize *


Cape Verde

Dominican Republic


El Salvador





Peru *

Sierra Leone

* Effective October 1, 2025, the Postal Service will stop cashing international postal money orders issued by the postal operators of Belize and Peru. (See 371.3.)

371.3 Procedures for Cashing Valid International Postal Money Orders Issued by Foreign Countries

Valid international postal money orders issued by the postal operators of the two countries marked with an asterisk in Exhibit 371.2 (Belize and Peru) will be paid in accordance with the procedures for cashing domestic money orders (see DMM 509.3). However, no international postal money order will be paid after the expiration of the validity date on the international postal money order or after September 30, 2025, whichever comes first.

371.4 Inquiries Regarding Payment of International Postal Money Orders (Form MP1)

Use PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry, in accordance with DMM 509.3 when filing inquiries concerning an International Postal Money Order (Form MP1). Only the purchaser may file and receive payment. Payments are issued 10 days after PS Form 6401 is processed by Accounting Services.

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Individual Country Listings

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Extra Services

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International Postal Money Order (371)

[For the following countries — Albania, Belize, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Mali, Peru, and Sierra Leone — revise the text to read as follows:]

NOT Available

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Although effective October 1, 2024, the Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into a later edition of the online IMM (the one scheduled after September 9, 2024). The IMM is available via Postal Explorer® at