Driving Safety Tips for Employees – Preventing Vehicle Incidents on the Job
Drivers are responsible for the safe operation of any vehicle they drive during the performance of their duties.
Protect yourself by following these tips:
1. Only authorized and trained personnel may operate postal vehicles.
2. You must have in your possession a valid state driver’s license when operating a postal vehicle or any vehicle when on Postal Service business.
3. Obey all state and local traffic laws, and Postal Service regulations when driving any postal vehicle.
4. Defensive driving is the best way to prevent vehicle accidents because it involves both the desire and the ability of a driver to control accident-provoking situations. You are expected to drive all postal vehicles in a dependable, efficient, safe, and courteous manner.
1. Inspect your assigned vehicle daily (or whenever changing to a different vehicle) and focus on vehicle familiarization before leaving the parking lot or garage. Inspect all trailers for damage, inappropriate placards, or unsafe items.
2. Report all mechanical defects, failures, and vehicle damage to your supervisor.
3. Make sure that any mail you load into a vehicle will pose no hazard to the operator when the vehicle is started, stopped, turned on, or otherwise operated on a mail delivery route. Do not place mail on the tray or ledge to the extent that it can obscure your vision or break the windshield during a sudden stop.
1. Stay alert at all times:
a. Never finger mail or hold it in your hands while you drive.
b. Don’t use devices that diminish the awareness of your surroundings and cause distractions while operating a motor vehicle.
c. Move your vehicle only when you are absolutely certain that it is safe to do so, especially if children may be nearby. Get out, circle your vehicle, and check underneath it to be sure.
d. Adjust for various weather or road conditions and remember that the situation can change rapidly due to sudden weather changes or road features.
e. Scan the roadway. Key your eyes moving and view the road as a whole. Look ahead and expect the unexpected.
f. Always drive at a safe speed. Never exceed the speed limit.
g. Always maintain a safe stopping distance.
2. When you leave the vehicle:
a. Properly secure your vehicle when leaving the controls.
b. Apply the foot brake and place automatic transmissions in the park position. Place manual transmissions in gear. For PVS vehicles of 7 tons or more, place the transmission in neutral.
c. Turn the vehicle’s front wheels toward the curb if you are on a flat surface or the vehicle is facing downhill. If the vehicle is parked facing uphill, turn the front wheels away from the curb.
d. Set the hand-parking/emergency brake. For PVS vehicles of 7 tons or more, the parking air brakes must be applied.
e. Turn off the engine and remove the key.
f. Lock any sliding door(s) between the truck body and cab.
g. Lock the doors if you will be out of direct sight of the vehicle.