June 6, 2023
California Ranks #1 in the Country for Dog Bites
A recent report named California as first in the country for dog bites, with over 675 incidents in 2022. Nationwide, there were more than 5,300 incidents involving dogs and mail carriers last year.
James Redmond, a 34-year U.S. Postal Service employee, safety captain and carrier at Ontario Post Office knows firsthand how significant safety is in his role.
“Safety means longevity,” says Redmond.
“Delivering mail is very hazardous, yet most people wouldn’t think so. There is more to it than just putting the mail into the mailbox. Safety is and must be the highest priority; for ourselves, our families, and for the communities we work in. Every street and every house can have various safety issues that can change from day to day. One of the main issues is dog bite prevention.”
Redmond will be available to talk to media about his experience with dogs while on his delivery route and give consumer information on how to keep dogs from attacking delivery drivers, service personnel and others.
U.S. Postal Service representatives will host a demonstration on how Postal Service trains employees to avoid dog attacks on their routes.
This year’s theme is “Even Good Dogs have Bad Days.” Spread the news of the campaign by using the hashtag #dogbiteawareness.
Ontario Carrier James Redmond
Thurs., June 8, 8:00 a.m.
MEDIA RSVP to Kristina.Uppal@usps.gov
Ontario Post Office
1555E. Holt Blvd
Ontario Ca. 91761
To better understand the potential danger to mail carriers, and even people in your community, the Postal Service is sponsoring our annual National Dog Bite Awareness Week, June 4 – 10.
We love our furry family members, and they provide a lifetime of joy. But even the best-behaved dogs can pose an unfortunate hazard to people they don’t know.
Pet Owners Can Help Support Safe Mail Delivery
Mail carriers know all dogs can bite, even those perceived as nonaggressive. Dogs are generally protective of their turf and dog owners have an important responsibility to control them to ensure safe mail delivery.
Most people know the approximate time their letter carrier arrives every day. Securing your dog before the carrier approaches your property will minimize any potentially dangerous interactions.
When a letter carrier comes to your home, keep dogs:
Pet owners also should remind children not to take mail directly from a letter carrier as the dog may view the carrier as a threat to the child.
More than 5,300 postal employees were attacked by dogs last year. Many attacks could be avoided if dog owners would take a few extra moments of precaution. The Postal Service participates in National Dog Bite Awareness Week every year to bring awareness to the potential issues faced by postal employees delivering their routes.