Rules of Practice

Rules of Practice Relative to Proceedings before the Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals

Title 39 code of federal regulations

Part Title
Part 955 (BCA) Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals
Part 960 (EAJA) Equal Access to Justice Act in Postal Service Proceedings

Rules of Practice Relative to Proceedings Before the Judicial Officer and Office of Administrative Law Judges

Title 39 code of federal regulations

Part Title
Part 951 (EP) Eligibility to Practice Before the Postal Service
Part 952 (FR) False Representation and Lottery Orders
Part 953 (MLB) Mailability
Part 954 (PER) Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Periodicals Mail Privileges
Part 957 (DEB/SUS) Debarment and Suspension from Contracting
Part 958 (HM) Hazardous Materials
Part 959 (PRE) Private Express Statutes
Part 960 (EAJA) Equal Access to Justice Act in Postal Service Proceedings
Part 961 (DCA) Debt Collection Act Petitions Against Current Employees
Part 962 (PF) Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
Part 963 (PAN) Pandering
Part 964 (WM) Withheld Mail
Part 965 (MD) Mail Disputes
Part 966 (AO) Administrative Offsets Initiated Against Former Postal Service Employees