Mar. 30, 2020

What’s in That Bottle?

Local business donates hand sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer

LOUISVILLE, KY — USPS employees are performing essential services, processing and delivering to customers during the Coronavirus outbreak. Their health and well-being are a primary concern for the organization.

That is why, after hearing they were bottling hand sanitizer during the Coronavirus crisis, Kentuckiana Postal Marketing Manager Alisa Zanetti contacted Pete Weiss, marketing manager for the Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co., to see if a donation for the Postal Service could be obtained.

The company quickly agreed and graciously donated five cases of individual bottles, equaling about 7 gallons. The sanitizer is in 375mL bottles, so Weiss suggests employees refill smaller bottles for ease of use and conservation.

“We are grateful for the generosity of the Lexington & Distilling Co.,” said acting Kentuckiana District Manager Karen Garber. “Working together, our communities will overcome this crisis.”

“It is during these difficult times that the enduring nature and compassionate spirit of our neighbors emerge,” said Alltech co-founder Deirdre Lyons. “We want to do our part to support those working on the frontlines to keep the community healthy and safe.”

Zanetti arranged to pick up the bottles over the weekend in order to have them for use by postal employees early Monday morning.

The Kentuckiana District serves ZIP Codes 400-409, 411-427 in Kentucky and 471, 476-477 in southern Indiana.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.



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