65 The RAC’s Decision-Making Process

651 Meeting With an Employee or Applicant: The Interactive Process

The RAC must meet with the employee or applicant in person, if possible. If not, the RAC must contact the individual by telephone to discuss the accommodation request. In addition, the RAC must invite the affected manager or supervisor as he or she may find it helpful to attend this meeting. The RAC will conduct the interactive meeting within 30 days from the chair’s receipt of the request.

Before the meeting, the RAC will need to obtain medical documentation regarding the nature and extent of the impairment and its limitations from any of the following:

However, keep in mind that the determination whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity should be construed broadly in favor of expansive coverage. Consequently, in many instances, this determination should not demand an extensive analysis.

Next, the RAC meets with the individual to do the following:

In addition, the RAC must advise the employee or applicant of the following:

The RAC must maintain ongoing communication with the individual throughout its proceedings, and advise that additional information may be sought later, if the need arises.

The RAC chair or designee must document in the RAC file the meeting with an employee or applicant. Documentation includes the following:

Exhibit 651a

Request for Information

Request for Information Letter

Exhibit 651b

Reasonable Accommodation Request (page 1)

Reasonable Accommodation Request - Page 1

Exhibit 651b

Reasonable Accommodation Request (page 2)

Reasonable Accommodation Request - Page 2

Exhibit 651c

Medical Information and Restriction Assessment (page 1)

Medical Information and Restriction Assessment - Page 1

Exhibit 651c

Medical Information and Restriction Assessment (page 2)

Reasonable Accomadation Decision Guide p. 2