Once you have identified essential functions of the job and the individual’s abilities and limitations, you are in a position to determine the following:
Consult available resources to identify potential accommodations. This includes:
- The applicant or employee to determine what he or she needs to enable him or her to perform the job.
- Operations, safety, or medical personnel, as appropriate, to determine whether the employee’s proposed accommodation is feasible and whether the Postal Service can make other accommodations. You may offer alternative suggestions for reasonable accommodations and discuss their effectiveness in removing the workplace barrier that is impeding the individual.
- RACs, if in districts, areas, and Headquarters, to identify potential accommodations.
- People from outside the Postal Service, particularly state agencies and nonprofit organizations dedicated to assisting people with disabilities in the workplace. For example, the national Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides information, free of charge, about all aspects of job accommodation. JAN may be contacted:
Additionally, review EEOC guidance and technical assistance documents. Learn more at www.eeoc.gov/eeoc-disability-related-resources.