Error Type
Mailer Scorecard Error
Error Threshold
Valid MID
MID Container
A MID Container error is logged when the Mailer ID in the Intelligent Mail container barcode was not assigned by the Postal Service, and is invalid, or cannot be found.
Valid MID
MID Handling Unit
A MID Handling Unit error is logged when the Mailer ID in the Intelligent Mail tray barcode was not assigned by the Postal Service, and is invalid, or cannot be found.
Valid MID
MID Piece
A MID Piece error is logged when the Mailer ID in the Intelligent Mail barcode was not assigned by the Postal Service, and is invalid, or cannot be found.
Valid STID
A STID Error is logged when the Service Type ID in the Intelligent Mail barcode is missing or not valid and correct for the class and service level of the mailpiece.
A By/For Error is logged when the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer are not identified or are not accurate in the eDoc.
Unique Barcode
Barcode Uniqueness Container
A Barcode Uniqueness container error is logged when the Intelligent Mail container barcode is not unique across all mailings from all mailers over the previous 45 days of the Postage Statement Mailing Date that was provided in eDoc.
Unique Barcode
Barcode Uniqueness Handling Unit
A Barcode Uniqueness Handling Unit error is logged when the Intelligent Mail tray barcode is not unique across all mailings from all mailers over the previous 45 days of the Postage Statement Mailing Date that was provided in eDoc.
Unique Barcode
Barcode Uniqueness Piece
A Barcode Uniqueness Piece error is logged when the Intelligent Mail barcode is not unique across all mailings from all mailers over the previous 45 days of the Postage Statement Mailing Date that was provided in eDoc.
The MID, Serial Number, and Mail Class from the STID define a unique IMb. If the same MID and Serial Number are used on two mailpieces with two different STIDs that indicate the same class of mail (for example First-Class STIDs 314 and 320), those pieces will be flagged as non-unique.
Entry Facility
Entry Facility Container
An Entry Facility Container Error is logged when the entry facility as included in the eDoc (Locale Key or Postal Code) of the container is not a valid Postal Service location in the Facility File of the Drop-Ship Product File.
Entry Facility
Entry Facility Handling Unit
An Entry Facility Handling Unit Error is logged when the entry facility as included in the eDoc (Locale Key or Postal Code) of a handling unit, without a container, is not a valid Postal Service location in the Facility File of Drop-Ship Product File.
Unlinked Copal
Unlinked Copal
An Unlinked Copal Error is logged when a tray/virtual sack is marked for copalletization at origin but no eDoc is submitted with the tray/virtual sack on a pallet.
This verification is logged against the handling unit (either tray or virtual sack) and is checked against the error threshold by comparing the number of handling units with an unlinked copal error / total number of handling units.
This was previously called an OCI error.
* Note: A custom By/For Error threshold may be set for a mailer who accepts more than 5% of volume from small mailers presenting less than 5,000 pieces per mailing.