8-3.1 Pay Process

eDoc Submitters can pay for postage assessments within 10 business days after the 11th of the month. eDoc Submitters review the Mail Entry Assessment reports for all CRIDS with postage due. Note: Only BCG user with VAE Services (BSA or user role) and/or the BSA of Manage Mailing Activity can access and act on the Mail Entry Assessment Reports.

Payments are made using the Mail Entry Assessment report summary view. During this time, the status of the assessment is “Pending Action” until the mailer selects to pay or request review. Mailers must pay the full amount due for each program at one time. Once payment is made the status is set to “Paid” and no further action is required.

Payment can be made from any permit with a positive balance used by the eDoc submitter in the mailing month. This allows eDoc Submitters to allocate postage due to mail owners. Upon payment, the eDoc Submitter and the owner of any permit used are notified of the transaction via email. Email notification is only sent to Mail Owners who have registered with the BCG and linked their permits properly.

In the event a mailer (eDoc submitter or mail owner) does not have user accounts enabled for VAE Services, the Postal Service uses the order of precedence listed in 8-2 to identify a BCG user who can receive the notification email.

Mailers (eDoc Submitters and Owners) may view transaction records via the BCG (under Mailing Reports>View Transactions) and in EPS.

Full details on the payment process and transaction reports are in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.