8-2 Postage Assessment Roles and Services

The Postal Service controls access to postage assessment reports though user registration on the Business Customer Gateway (BCG). Access to postage assessment reports is controlled by the Verification Assessment Evaluator (VAE) Service, which is a sub-service of the Managed Mailing Activity Service.

eDoc submitters must have a designee assigned to the VAE Service as either a BSA, BSA delegate, and/or user or be the BSA or BSA delegate for Manage Mailing Activity Service to view assessments and act on them.

Mail owners must also register for access to VAE Services on the BCG in order to receive notifications and view transactions against their permits. Mail owners must take the additional step of linking a permit (used for postage payment) to the CRID to receive postage assessment notifications. Mail owners only receive notifications if the eDoc submitter uses the permit to pay postage assessments due (see 8-3.3).

If a mailer (eDoc submitter or mail owner) does not have user accounts enabled for VAE Services, the Postal Service scans the BCG for the following services in order and sends notification emails to the BSA of the first service found:

  1. BSA or user role for VAE Service.
  2. BSA of Manage Mailing Activity Service.
  3. BSA of Audit Mailing Activity/eVS/Package Return Service/Scan Based Payment.

Details on registering for BCG accounts and managing Services and users are included in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.