First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and USPS Marketing Mail letters and flats and BPM-barcoded flats are potentially eligible for Seamless Acceptance. All mailpieces, including basic and nonautomation, must be uniquely barcoded when entered under the Seamless Acceptance program and must be prepared as follows:
- Meet all preparation requirements for class, processing category, and price claimed per DMM requirements.
- Follow the barcoding and barcode uniqueness requirements for IMcb, IMtb, and IMb outlined in 2-3.1.4 and included in electronic documentation.
- Be part of a mailing using an approved electronic method to transmit an electronic postage statement and mailing documentation to the PostalOne! system (describing how mailpieces are linked to trays or sacks, and containers, if applicable). Further details regarding electronic submission of postage statements are available in 2-2.
- Be sent by a mailer who is mailing over 90 percent of their eligible volume as Full-Service.
- Be part of a mailing that is 100-percent eInduction (if preparing DMU-verified origin-entry or destination-entry drop shipment).
Mailers that have their mailings co-palletized at another mailing facility must ensure that their mailings still meet Seamless participation criteria.