Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 4-3.2 Entry of eInduction Containers 4-3.2.1 Surface Visibility (SV)-Enabled Facilities The Postal Service conf..." /> Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 4-3.2 Entry of eInduction Containers 4-3.2.1 Surface Visibility (SV)-Enabled Facilities The Postal Service conf..." />

4-3.2 Entry of eInduction Containers

4-3.2.1 Surface Visibility (SV)-Enabled Facilities

The Postal Service confirms correct postage payment, correct entry location, and IMcb uniqueness within FAST appointments for eInduction containers entered at facilities equipped with the SV system. Containers with postage payment issues or at the incorrect location may be rejected and returned to the mailer. Rejected containers are not logged on the Mailer Scorecard, do not impact error thresholds, and are not subject to assessment.

4- Confirmation of Postage Payment

It is a requirement for all scanned eInduction containers must be included in the following:

  1. In an eDoc submitted within 45 days of the scan date.
  2. On an electronic postage statement in FIN or FPP status 2 hours prior to the time of scan.

Postal Service systems identify all containers that do not meet the above criteria and report the status to Postal Service dock employees. Dock employees then attempt to resolve the container status using paper PS Forms 8017/8125/8125-C documents, and by contacting the FAST helpdesk to confirm payment status. Dock employees reject all unresolved containers and return to the mailer/driver.

If an electronic postage statement is reversed before the associated containers are entered at a Postal Service facility, the containers will no longer be connected to a finalized electronic postage statement and may be held at the entry facility until payment is confirmed or returned to the mailer.

Note: Mailers that plan to re-submit containers in a different mailing or electronic postage statement will need to wait 2 hours after reversal before resubmitting the new mailing or electronic postage statement.

Exception: Containers that contain a valid eInduction Continuous MID in the IMcb are accepted and postage payment status is checked after the FAST appointment closeout per 4-3.3.1 and 4-3.3.2.

4- Confirmation of Correct Entry Location

It is a requirement that all containers with mail claiming destination entry rates be entered at a valid location. For Destination Entry containers, the valid entry location is determined by the active version of the Mail Direction File. The Mail Direction File is effective at the beginning of the active month and has a 30-day grace period into the following month. For Origin Entry (including zone skip) containers, the entry location identified in the eDoc is the valid entry location. Postal Service systems identify all misshipped containers and report the status to Postal Service dock employees. Dock employees reject all misshipped containers and return to the mailer/driver.

Exception: Misshipped containers with a valid eInduction Continuous MID in the IMcb, or Containers identified as “Accept Misship = Y” in the mailer’s eDoc and the entry location, are checked after FAST appointment closeout per 4-3.3.4.

4- Confirmation of IMcb Uniqueness Within Appointment

It is a requirement of eInduction that all IMcbs remain unique for 45 days after use. Postal Service systems identify when IMcbs are scanned multiple times during the same FAST appointment. Dock employees confirm that multiple containers with the same IMcb are present. When duplicate containers are discovered, the first container scanned is accepted. Dock employees reject subsequent containers with the same IMcb and return the container to the mailer/driver.

4-3.2.2 Non-SV Facilities

At entry facilities not equipped with the SV system, dock employees scan and accept all containers placarded with an IMcb barcode. Postage payment, entry location, and IMcb duplicates are checked by Postal Service systems following FAST appointment closeout per 4-3.3.