It is a requirement of Automated Verification for the delivery point provided in the piece IMb to be valid. Delivery Point Errors are displayed on the Seamless tab of the Mailer Scorecard. Pieces that do not have a valid 5-digit, 9-digit, or 11-digit delivery point have errors logged against them.
To determine if the delivery point information is correct, the routing code information for the IMbs included in finalized electronic documentation is compared to a list of valid and active delivery points. A Delivery Point Error may also be logged if the IMb has a value of “0000” in positions six through nine of the routing code or “9999” in positions six through nine of the routing code and the address record type is not General Delivery.
The description of a Delivery Point Error is given in Table 5-1.1.1.
Table 5-2.1.1
Delivery Point Error Description
Error Type
Delivery Point
A Delivery Point Error is logged when the delivery point provided in eDoc is either not valid or contains generic +4 information with an address record type that is not General Delivery.